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The physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker: Dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "The physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker: Dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker: Dynamic Thesaurus and Dynamic Discovery of Distributed eLearning Materials Michael Schlenker Eberhard R. Hilf Julika Mimkes

2 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Institute for Science Networking GmbH  Develop new concepts and services for the management of information in science  Develop and operate Internet portals for science and its subject areas  Develop tools for networking of and access to scientific information  Offer services around the learnmangement system Campus Virtuell  Plays an active role in national, international and interdisciplinary boards and initiatives concerning standardization and information services for sciences

3 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Overview  PhysNet and physik multimedial  The web crawler system  Adapting the crawler to eLearning  First Tests

4 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Distributed service Catalogue style link lists of institutions, publication repositories and educational collections HARVEST search engine Search in LiLi, database

5 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker physik multimedial Learning Platform Course Management Module Collection Exercises Collection Links to eLearning material in Physics

6 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker SHRIMPS S imple H TTP R obot to IM prove P hysnet S ervices  Specialized web crawler developed to find publications on personal or institutional webpages  Increases coverage and reduces noise in contrast to general purpose search engines

7 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker SHRIMPS for Publications  Tested on European part of PhysDep (1810 links)  Using part of a physics thesaurus generated from ArXiv and IOP metadata for classification  Tests show an 28% increase in the number of objects collected by HARVEST  The resulting relative amount of relevant objects was improved

8 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Publications vs. eLearning material  Digital libraries  Publications deposited at personal or institutional repositories SHRIMPS finds publications in personal or institutional repositories  Learning management systems  Material deposited at personal or institutional repositories Can SHRIMPS find eLearning material ?

9 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Resource discovery From LM Systems  Resources can typically be discovered only with cooperation of the LMS  Resources in LMS are typically structured and annotated with metadata (LOM, DC, others).  Resource discovery from LMS is complex, requiring standardized metadata and interfaces. From Webpages  Resources can be discovered without cooperation  Resources are typically unstructured and lack metadata  Resource discovery from the web is a problem of identifying resources.

10 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Authors Institutional, Workgroup or Personal Websites Users HARVEST HTTP SHRIMPS and HARVEST SHRIMPS UI DB SOAP HTTP Operator/ Reviewer URLs

11 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker How SHRIMPS works  Crawl over a webserver by following links  Only follow links that appear like they could lead to relevant data  Pages reached are classified as relevant, if their trail of links or their content appearance suggests their relevance

12 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker SHRIMPS Implementation  Based on the highly portable and mature Tcl (Tool Command Language) language  TclHttpd application server provides Web GUI and job control  Tcl based tuplespace with TclSOAP provides communication between components  Tclkit helps with easy deployment

13 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker SHRIMPS User Interface Web browser based user interface provides access to: User management Job management Review of result sets

14 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Browser based review Tool A fast and efficient XML SOAP based tool for rating web pages, usually with a single mouseclick, is under development. Current version is implemented using the Mozilla XUL technology. Support for other browsers could be developed if requested by our operators.

15 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Adapting SHRIMPS on Learning Material  Create new list of terms characteristic for eLearning  Examine typical webservers to understand where eLearning material is ‚hidden‘.  Refine the lists and exclusion patterns

16 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Test Setup  82 Institutions from the UK and Germany listed in the PhysDep list of physics departments  Physics term list from former publications search used, enhanced with some field specific terms  Filter lists created by hand from examination of some servers

17 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Results of Test Run

18 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Examining the results  About 30% relevant URLs  Ratio of relevant to irrelevant is better than for brute-force indexing  Results are more heterogeneous for eLearning material than for publications

19 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Looking at staff homepages  Publications are very often linked  Learning material is only seldom linked  Hypothesis: (External) reputation is primarily gained by publications today. The increasing visibility of teaching through eLearning will create a reputation for teaching.

20 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Future Work  Promote the use of open interfaces for LMS (OAI-PMH)  Integrate the SHRIMPS results into the Education part of PhysNet  Adjust the system with the gained experience

21 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Links PhysNet physik multimedial Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg GmbH

22 the physics departments and documents network EUNIS Conference, Bled, June 29 th -July 2 nd 2004 Michael Schlenker Thanks for your attention

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