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Statistics with Stiles. Hello Favorite Class! Write down the number of pennies I can drop into the cup at the front of the room without spilling any water.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics with Stiles. Hello Favorite Class! Write down the number of pennies I can drop into the cup at the front of the room without spilling any water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics with Stiles

2 Hello Favorite Class! Write down the number of pennies I can drop into the cup at the front of the room without spilling any water.

3 Intuition vs. Empiricism Empiricism emphasizes the role of experience and evidence.experience evidence Intuition- understanding without apparent effort, quick and ready insight seemingly independent of previous experiences or empirical knowledge. (gut feeling)

4 Would anyone like to volunteer to win some money?

5 Let’s Test This Statistical Strategy! Find a Partner Decide who is going to be the experimenter and who will be the subject Experimenter will need to take out a folder or a book to hide important information from the subject. Calculate how often you won when you switched.

6 Descriptive vs. Inferential Descriptive –Summarizes a set of data, makes it easy to interpret. –%, averages –r = correlation coefficient –Standard Deviation Inferential –Allows us to make decisions or reach conclusions about data. –Statistically Significant or Chance? (p <.05) –The probability of an event occurring by chance is less than 5%.

7 Measures of Central Tendency Mode- most frequent Median- middle most Mean- average of set scores Frequency distributions-(organized list) »Can be misleading, know which measure of average is being used. Positive/Negative Skew ?

8 Measures of Variability Range- difference in high/low Standard Deviation- square root of variance (measure of variance from the mean) –Packed together or dispersed?


10 Using Standard Deviation to your Advantage! Top 10 Rushing Leaders (2000)

11 Ranked Order of Rushers Who is the most consistent? –Davis Who is the most erratic? –Dillon

12 Correlations (Co-relation) r = -1.0 (strong negative correlation) ↑↓ r = +1.0 (strong positive correlation) ↑↑ or ↓↓ 0 = No Correlation Correlation coefficients help us determine the direction and strength of a relationship. Correlation does NOT imply causation!! Correlations may be used to predict!

13 Identify each of the scatter plots. r = -.99 r = -.7 r = 0 r = -.3 r =.5 r =.9 Scatter Plot AScatter Plot B Scatter Plot C Scatter Plot DScatter Plot EScatter Plot F

14 Basic Stats-Measurement Scales Nominal (name, categorize) Ordinal (serial position) Interval Scale (temperature) Ratio Scale (weight)

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