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GOING UP? How to craft the perfect remember me speech Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A.

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Presentation on theme: "GOING UP? How to craft the perfect remember me speech Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOING UP? How to craft the perfect remember me speech Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A


3 An elevator speech helps summarize who you are and what people should remember about you in the time it takes to ride an elevator.


5 WHO NEEDS AN ELEVATOR SPEECH? Job seekers Entrepreneurs Social Networkers Upward Mobile Professionals Small Business Owners Sales Agents Executives


7 30-60 seconds to make a positive impression.

8 A quick sound bite and what your business does. summation of who you are

9 Easy introductions at social affairs.

10 conversation. Leads to further

11 business prospects. Improve sales and

12 Helps others remember you.

13 A request to take action? What you do? What the product/service does? The benefits of the product/service? BASIC STRUCTURE OF AN ELEVATOR SPEECH


15 Your chance to subtly sell yourself and your products/services.

16 BUILDING YOUR ELEVATOR SPEECH Interchangeable phrases helps to create adaptability.

17 BUILDING YOUR ELEVATOR SPEECH Direct reflection of yourself and your beliefs.

18 Avoid focusing exclusively on a sale. BUILDING YOUR ELEVATOR SPEECH

19 Define your purpose. professional association, etc…) (sell a product, company awareness,

20 Example 1 I am (your name), the regional sales manager for (company name). WHAT YOU DO?

21 Example 2 Good day, my name is (your name), and I work as a biochemical engineer for (company name).

22 WHAT DO YOU OFFER? Example 1 that are looking to upgrade their We sell computer chips to companies manufacturing capabilities.

23 WHAT DO YOU OFFER? Example 2 They produce new drug treatment for patients suffering from (XXXX).

24 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Example 1 We improve the efficiency of manufacturing plants to increase shareholder wealth.

25 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Example 2 Our products have few side effects while still helping patients recover.

26 WHAT IS THE CALL TO ACTION? Example 1 I would like to set up a time to discuss how our products can help you.

27 Example 2 I’ll have our pharmaceutical agent call your office to set up a meeting on (XXXX) medication. WHAT IS THE CALL TO ACTION?


29 CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION Provides an opportunity to inform others about you or your business. Provides an opportunity to inform others about you or your business. Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A

30 CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION A short 30-60 second customizable conversation. A short 30-60 second customizable conversation. Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A

31 CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION Elevator speeches should say what you do, the product/service you offer, its benefits and encourage a follow up action. Elevator speeches should say what you do, the product/service you offer, its benefits and encourage a follow up action. Presented by: Murad E. Abel, D.B.A

32 CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION Adjust your elevator speech for sales, job interviews, social affairs, research, etc… Adjust your elevator speech for sales, job interviews, social affairs, research, etc…

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