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Taking an Online Course What should I expect? What is expected of me?

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Presentation on theme: "Taking an Online Course What should I expect? What is expected of me?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking an Online Course What should I expect? What is expected of me?

2 How do I “attend” Class Our courses are anytime, anywhere  Students should expect to log in twice a day – but it is up to them, when during the day they do this.  They should check mail, discussions, and any updated materials for each week. Stay Organized!!!! Example: Discussion will be open for a week for you to post – but if you only post Sunday night, don’t expect an “A” grade!

3 How will I participate in the class? Online Courses Cannot Work Without Your PRESENCE Complete your assignments Take tests during the assigned days/times Keep your professor notified of any problems, issues, questions I have. Discussion, Discussion, Discussion. This is how we create an online Community!

4 Discussion Board Etiquette Respecting and listening to others  Always put in a title  Keep your responses short and to the point.  When responding to someone, feel free to address them personally.  If you want to post something with more than one point, break it up  Feel free to be funny. A touch of humor can go a long way.  Paste a links into your message  Remember, you can always go back and respond to clarify a point.  Only use caps for emphasis.  Be aware of your tone –irony doesn’t always work

5 Academic Integrity  Watch out for Copyright Infringement  Cite all your sources, websites, images, sounds  We use an honor code at La Salle

6 Help! My computer crashed! You are ultimately responsible for your equipment and completing your work. If something beyond your control should occur, it is your responsibility to contact your professor immediately. You can work out with your professor the subsequent possibilities, if something should go wrong. Be familiar with the worst case scenario document and prepare yourself for the fact that sometimes, technology doesn’t always work perfectly

7 Have Fun!! This is a new venture so its up to all of us to make this experience work! Let us know how it goes!

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