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+ Assistive Technology Allyson Smith and Carissa Mills.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Assistive Technology Allyson Smith and Carissa Mills."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Assistive Technology Allyson Smith and Carissa Mills

2 + What is Assistive Technology? Hardware and software specifically designed to meet the needs of exceptional students and the doorway to participation in the classroom for students with learning disabilities.

3 + Who does assistive technology help? Students with….. Developmental disabilities Reading disabilities Limited vision Speech impairment

4 + Assistive Reading Technology Recorded books Electronic text High interest low level books

5 + Assistive Communication Technology Technology that enables students to communicate feelings, thoughts, and ideas with others in the classroom.

6 + Assistive Listening Devices Personal amplification system Sound-field amplification system

7 + Augmentative Communication Devices Digital picture boards Tech speak Touch Screens

8 + Further Understanding Assistive Technology ted

9 + Assistive Mobility Technology Technology that enables individuals to navigate effectively through a home or school environment

10 + Assistive Mobility Devices Walkers Wheel chairs Canes

11 + Positioning Assistive Technology Alterative seating Adjustable-height tables Tilt tables

12 + Assistive Environmental Interaction Adjustable desks Foot mouses Switches for controlling computers

13 + Work Cited de St. Aubin, S. (2010). From the Gleam in the Eye of an Engineer to a DreamClassroom: How Assistive Technology Products Move from Research and Development into the Hands of Children. Exceptional Parent, 40(7), 30,. Netherton, D. L., & Deal, W. F. (2006). Assistive Technology in the Classroom. Technology Teacher, 66(1), 10-15. Simpson, C. G., McBride, R., Spencer, V. G., Lowdermilk, J., & Lynch, S. (2009). Assistive Technology: Supporting Learners in Inclusive Classrooms. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 45(4), 172-175. Wiki

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