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Welcome to NCVPS An Orientation for Butler Students 10/6/20151.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to NCVPS An Orientation for Butler Students 10/6/20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to NCVPS An Orientation for Butler Students 10/6/20151

2 NCVPS is eLearning What is eLearning? Understanding eLearning is simple. eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely online. What is NCVPS? NCVPS stands for North Carolina Virtual Public High School. NCVPS offers high school courses through eLearning. 10/6/20152

3 Is eLearning for you??? eLearning is not for everyone. Because eLearning courses offer the flexibility to fit into a student’s available time schedule, you must have the self discipline to work through the material on a consistent and regular basis. There are usually scheduled test due dates and assignments that must be submitted on time. It takes real self discipline as well as time management and organizational skills. If you have that self discipline and organization, then eLearning will be a good choice for you. 10/6/20153

4 NCVPS Classes for Butler Students Butler students can typically only take virtual courses that Butler does not offer during the day. These courses must be approved by the student’s counselor and will all be taken as a 9 th block, meaning they will show up on the student’s schedule as a 5 th block. All NCVPS courses must be completed by the student after regular school hours. That’s why you definitely need access to a computer at home. 10/6/20154

5 What does a typical NCVPS class involve? Just as every classroom differs slightly, so does the virtual classroom experience. Different courses will use different types of course materials and internet technologies. Log in to your online course everyday at a time during the day that is convenient for you or your school scheduled time for you to work. View the assignments and participate in an on-going online discussion. Complete all daily assignments which could include research, project work, readings, and/or collaboration activities and then submit your work to your teacher. Check the course outline or schedule to find out what other course- related activities are coming up or may be due to the teacher. Participate in any scheduled chat sessions or phone conferences. Sometimes you may view a video or listen to an audio recording for assignments. You will also take online tests and/or a quizzes for submission. 10/6/20155

6 How much time is involved??? Time that you need to devote to one online course will be approximately: 45 minutes for a year-long course 90 Minutes for block course or an AP course 3-4 Hours a day for summer courses due to full course content on a shortened schedule (18 weeks of content in 8 weeks). 10/6/20156

7 Time Management Even though you may not have to “be” in class at a specific time, you still have to follow the course schedule provided by your teacher. You need to log in each day to: – keep up with the content flow – complete assignments – follow discussions – communicate with your classmates and teacher. Never wait until the last minute to complete your assignments. You may have a technical problem or run out of time which will cause frustration. One of the major reasons for failing online classes is procrastination. 10/6/20157

8 So…Are you interested??? If so, you will need to register. How do you register??? 10/6/20158

9 How to Register 1.Obtain a NCVPS CMS Program Contract from your counselor. 2.Complete the contract including: – All required signatures. – The To Do List for students. 3.Turn in the completed contract to your counselor by the required due date. See the top of the contract for the due date. 4.Your counselor will give the completed contract to me, Mrs. Dianne King, your DLA. DLA is Distance Learning Advisor. I will enroll you into the class you and your counselor choose. 5.Contact me for your login information. To log into your class on the first day, you will need your student ID and your password. You will need to keep your password in a safe place and never change it. 6.The first day of class for Fall 2011 is Thursday, August 25! 10/6/20159

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