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Kumang Cluster Drilling Platform (F9JT-A)

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Presentation on theme: "Kumang Cluster Drilling Platform (F9JT-A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kumang Cluster Drilling Platform (F9JT-A)
Present by: DANAZ Consultant

2 Board of Directors Datuk Seri Ir Muhammad Azfar Bin Mohd Zuber
Project Director Ir Muhammad Nur Dahlan Bin Abd Razak Geotechnical Engineer Ir Mohamad Zulbahari Bin Mohamad Zu Environment Engineer Ir Siti Nazira Binti Mohd Som Water Resource Engineer Ir Anis Dalila Binti Dawam Structural Engineer

3 Presentation Outline Project Background Topside Analysis
Jacket Analysis Sustanaibality Conclusion


5 Location coordinate : Kumang Cluster fields consists of Central Processing Platform (CPP) Kanowit Field (KAKG-A), F9JT-A wellhead, Kumang (KUJT-A) wellhead, and Kanowit (KAJT-A) wellhead. The Kumang field is located approximately 200km from the MLNG plant offshore Bintulu, Sarawak.  The drilling platforms will be designed for unmanned operation with interconnecting pipelines to KAKG-A. Minimum facilities with only small power generation, pedestal crane, telecommunication, well head control panel, pig trap, wet gas metering, vent system, temporary shelter, and helideck.

04 ̊ 25’ 56”.774 N, 111 ̊ 47’ 23”.584 E, KUJT-A 04 ̊ 22’ 01”.983 N, 111 ̊ 57’ 58”.682 E, KAKG-A -85 m elevation 20.5 km 178.0 km 198.0 km MLNG in Bintulu


8 Outline Basic Design Criteria Load Data Analysis Miscellaneous
Design Load Load Combination Metocean Criteria Wind Load characteristic Analysis Design Load Imposed In-place Analysis Design Brief for Flare Boom Miscellaneous

9 BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA Serviceability design life 25 years.
Slenderness ratio requirement KL/r ≤ 120 (PTS). Rolled tubular diameter to thickness ratio Check tubular diameter to thickness ratio (D/T) – Range: 20≤D/T≤60 Deflection limit - (PTS). LRFD Resistance Factor

10 Cont.. LRFD Resistance Factors Tubular Non-tubular
Yield stress factor = 1 Tubular Axial tension factor = 0.95 Axial compression factor = 0.85 Bending factor = 0.95 Shear factor = 0.95 Hoop factor 0.8 Non-tubular Axial tension factor = 0.9 Bending factor = 0.9 Shear factor = 0.9

11 Cont.. Plate Girder per AISC – Grating and plating –
Practical lightweight –

12 LOAD DATA Design Load A total of 93 Load Cases were considered in the design analysis including (Both topside and Jacket analysis): Self-weight of Structures Live loads Environmental load Wind load Equipment support load Drilling loads Future loads

13 Cont.. The loads were obtained based on the Vendor’s supplied weight and generated automatically by computer i.e; Structural Dead Load (computer generated), Drilling load (calculated based on T9- Tender Assisted Platform Rig) The load cases were further divided into three cases: 1-year operating condition 100 year-storm condition Maximum gravity and hydrotest condition The helideck is designed based on maximum load of Sikorsky-S92 Helicopter Widow maker reaction with various rig position also being applied

14 Cont.. Load Combination A total of 21 load combinations are listed as follows:

15 Cont.. Load combination contain various combination of load cases stated previously with designated load factor Various directional degree were considered to define the direction of maximum load combination contribute to max unity check

16 Cont.. Metocean Criteria based on PTS :BARAM DELTA (WATER DEPTH 75m)
At Mid-depth : 0.5*85m = 42.5m At near seabed : 0.01*85m = 0.85m

17 At water depth of 85m under MSL and the wave period of 8.9 seconds,
the wavelength (L) = 124m. Wave celerity = m/s. Water particle velocity horizontal = m/s. vertical = m/s. Water particle accelerations horizontal = m/s vertical = m/s Water particle displacements horizontal = m vertical = m

18 Cont.. Wind Load Characteristics
Design wind loads were generated in accordance with API-RP2A [3] recommendations. One minute duration wind speed 17m/s and 24m/s at 10 m elevation above MSL. The wind force calculated is included in the load cases previously. Top side structure Wind directions 10 meters MSL Side view of top side structure.

19 Plan view of top side structure.
Cont.. Wind Directions Plan view of top side structure.

20 Cont.. Forces on flat surface are assumed to act normal to the surface. Forces on cylindrical surface are assumed to act in direction of the wind. Shape Coefficients. Beams Sides of building Cylindrical sections Overall projected area of platform - 1.0

21 ANALYSIS Design Load Imposed
Load Case 62 to 97 is excluded from topside analysis because it involve wave and current No wave and current effect should be applied to topside structure Following are the list of the waves and currents:

22 Cont..

23 Cont.. In-place Analysis UC DEFLECTION SLENDERNESS

24 Effective Slenderness Y-Y Effective Slenderness
Cont.. Check for max slenderness Structure Section Member Group Effective Slenderness Y-Y Effective Slenderness Z-Z Remarks topside JT2 98.38 OK C1G 71.91 73.65 92.06 110.88 110.84

25 Cont.. Identifying member in POSTVUE

26 Cont.. Design Brief for Flare Boom
The platform orientation according to SACS axis defined

27 Cont.. The orientation of the tower is opposing X-direction because;
Wind force is bigger at positive Y-direction FX = 119 kN Fy = kN Thus, flare will not be blown to the deck at most critical wind condition

28 Cont.. Different Side View of Flare Boom in Precede
(arrow showing critical joints)

29 Cont.. Member Unity Check for maximum UC
Joint Unity Check –especially for critical joints; joint attach to the deck: 5193 7891 7889 Manually calculated according to API-RP2, Section: 4.3.2 4.3.4 4.3.6 and 4.4 (Overlapping Joints)

30 Cont.. Information is extracted from POSTVUE in SACS

31 Cont.. Joint Strength Unity Check 5193 0.45 7891 0.32 7889 0.65 9019
0.21 Member Member Code Max Unity Check Critical Condition Load Case FAA 0.344 TN+BN DL 0.146 C<.15 FAG 0.183 C>.15A

32 Cont.. Minimum and Maximum material thickness GROUP MIN (cm) MAX (cm)
SECTION C1 1.0 1.5 Topside C4 2.54 CRA 2.5 D1 DL 4.0 FA 0.8 1.3 Flareboom HE 1.59 RG 1.27 T Telecom Tower

33 MISCELLANEOUS Maintenance and Inspection Inline with Operating Philosophy Inspector: should have demonstrated ability and experience, or be qualified to codes AWS (D ), ASME/ANSI, equivalent Fabrication Inspection Materials are in good quality with specific requirements Made during all phase of fabrication (pre-fabrication, rolling, forming, welding, interim storage, erection, etc.) Welding inspection and testing aim to prevent introduction of defects into weld Other inspections: loadout, seafastening, transportation and installation inspection

34 Cont.. Crane Boom Rest Design for dead load of the crane plus minimum of 2 times static loads No increase in dynamic loads is required Design to resist fatigue during the life of structure

35 Drilling Interface (ISO)
Cont.. Drilling Interface (ISO)

36 Cont..

37 Deck plating – Joint detail design – Access service platform -

38 Cont.. Installation of the platform (API) –Mating Method
“Deck mating" and "float over" Used for a deck. Installation when the weight of the deck exceeds the available crane capacity. Installation of decks of the semi-submersible vessels over their hulls. Mostly done onshore. Hookup and commissioning : Single piece completed onshore.


40 Outline Basic Design Criteria Analysis Miscellaneous Splash zone
Marine Growth allowance Analysis Design Load Imposed In-place Analysis Miscellaneous Cathodic Protection Shear Keys

41 BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA Splash Zone Splash zone
The splash zone is defined as that region below +5.0m MSL and above -3.0m MSL for Malaysian waters. Top side structure Splash zone +5 meters 10 meters MSL -3 meters Side view of top side structure.

42 Cont.. Marine Growth allowance:
Marine growth increases wave forces (increasing member diameter and surface roughness) and mass of the structure MUDLINE ELEVATION = M ZONE ABOVE MUDLINE (M) THICKNESS (CM) DENSITY (TON/CUM) CD CM ROUGHNESS HEIGHT (CM) TYPE 0.00 74.00 0.000 1.02 1.300 CONSTANT 83.00 5.000 2.500 95.00 10.000 6.400

43 ANALYSIS Design Load Imposed:
Excluding load case 40 to 61 as it is driven by wind force A total of 22 load cases were excluded for the jacket analysis. Following are the load cases excluded:

44 Cont..

45 In-place Analysis Max UC

46 Effective Slenderness Y-Y Effective Slenderness Z-Z
Cont.. Check for max slenderness Structure Section Member Group Effective Slenderness Y-Y Effective Slenderness Z-Z Remarks jacket 1A4 107.49 12.16 OK 2BH 105.27 9.76 35.6 3JH 109.45 18.89 3NH 109.49 55.06 4BH 109.51 27.95 12.67 5A2 115.11 73.18 115.34 73.33 CON 90.42 mudmat KB1 111.27 168.38 165-A096 MM1 95.41 74.46

47 Check for min and max material thickness
GROUP MIN MAX SECTION 1 0.45 2.54 Mudmat (steel) 0.8 Mudmat (main) 2 0.5 Jacket Plate 3 0.6 4 5 Jacket Bracing CS1 Conductor CT1 1.59 JST 1.27 KB1 Mudmat Steel KB2 L Jacket Main Chord M 0.7 RT 0.65 Riser V 3.5 Jacket Vetical Member

48 MISCELLANEOUS Cathodic Protection (PTS)Sacrificial anode systems are to be designed. Type B1: to be used for all platform designs for oil field. According to PTS code. (Appendix VI) 5 wells for F9. Surface area of jacket = 435m². Surface area of piles and conductors = 150m².

49 Cont.. Establish total current required (I) = 46.15 Amps.
Establish total alloy weight (M) = 4492 kg Establishment number of nodes = Number of anodes by mass = 13 anodes Number of anodes by current = 9 anodes

50 Cont.. Summarize design Total mass = 4628 kg.
Polarization current available = Amps. Polarization current density = 263. Maintenance current available = Amps. Maintenance current density = End life current available = Amps. End life currency density =



53 Decommissioning Complete removal Partial removal
Explosive Non-explosive Partial removal Reuse: bring to onshore and process

54 Proposed alternative Use the structure as attractive vacation spot
Submerge the structure as breeding spot for aquatic life

55 Sustainability: Decommissioning



58 Before After


60 Total force for inclined member (API RP2A)

61 V1T (357 – 401)

62 V1T (357 – 401)

63 Inertia and Drag Force (API RP2A)

64 Vertical member. (VA2 - 202 - 206)

65 Vertical member. (VA2 - 202 - 206)

66 Leg member. (L )

67 Leg member. (L )

68 Horizontal member. (3EH - 514 - 519)

69 Horizontal member. (3EH - 514 - 519)

70 Adequacy of a tubular cross-joints (API)

71 (4A )

72 (4A )

73 Total force for inclined member

74 V1T (357 – 401)

75 V1T (357 – 401)

76 Weld Improvement Techniques
Minimum structure tend to be less stiff than conventional structures, hence dynamic effects and fatigue are of more concern even in shallow water depth Post-weld fatigue improvement techniques may be used to improve fatigue life. Well profiling Weld toe grinding Full profile grinding Hammer peening Post-Weld Heat Treatment

Cannot be done by using SACS due to lack of input data: Fatigue Input File First Common Solution File

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