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深圳信息职业技术学院 Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology 《秘书英语》课件 Unit 5: Business Social Interaction  Task.

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Presentation on theme: "深圳信息职业技术学院 Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology 《秘书英语》课件 Unit 5: Business Social Interaction  Task."— Presentation transcript:

1 深圳信息职业技术学院 Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology 《秘书英语》课件 Unit 5: Business Social Interaction  Task 4: Toast 祝酒辞

2 祝酒词是宴会、庆祝会等公开而重要的场 合所作的简短演讲。简单的可以只有一句 话: cheer! 复杂的可以是一篇非常正式的 演说。正式场合一般都要准备演讲稿,使 用正规的语言,内容也需再三斟酌。 Toasts

3 Tips on writing toasts 1. Addressing the party: 问候

4 2. Extending welcome or expressing thanks 表示欢迎或感谢 Toasts

5 3 . Commenting on the existing relations between two sides 谈谈双方的关系或合作 例如: This visit is another symbol of the growing ties between our two countries. Toasts

6 4 . Significance of the visit 来访的意义 例如: We have concluded six agreements during this visit. More importantly, our respect has grown and our friendship warmed. Back

7 5 . Good wishes and toast 祝愿与祝酒 例如: I’d like to propose a toast to the health of our host, to our growing personal as well as commercial ties, and to the happiness of the people of our two countries. Back

8 Here’s to your good health, your good luck, and your future prosperity! Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to drink a toast to Mr. Luo. I drink to the health of all the guests present. I should like to propose a toast to this new stage in the frien dship and cooperation between our two peoples. Please raise your glasses and drink a toast to…. Back Useful Expressions and Sayings of Toasts

9 Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you diet. A full belly, a heavy purse, and a light heart. Good day, good health, good cheer, and good night! To close this section I would like to tell you that I feel like a loaf of bread. Wherever I go, they toast me. May your future be filled with wine and roses! I wish thee health, I wish thee wealth, I wish thee gold in store, I wish thee heaven upon the earth. What more co uld I wish thee more?" Back

10 May all of your days be as happy as the ones before! To love and laughter and happiness ever after! To fate, that brought you together, and to love, that will keep you happy forever! May the rest of your lives be like a bed of roses….with out the thorns! May your love be modern enough to survive the times, and fashioned enough to last forever! May you share a joy that grows deeper, a friendship th at grows closer, and a marriage that grows richer throu gh the years. Cheer! Back

11 Dear Honourable Delegates, Dear Honourable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is ______ a very exciting event that Asia Pacific International Trade Fair is now successfully opened. I would like to __________________( 有机会 ), on behalf of Shanghai Municipal Government and the people of Shanghai, to express our highest ___________ and warmest ____________ to the experts and scholars that are coming from abroad and from China. Back indeed take this opportunity consideration congratulation

12 Thus, please allow me to ________________ : To the __________ of the close cooperation with all the experts, and to the health and ____________ of all the experts and scholars at home and abroad who _______ themselves in this field. Cheers! Back propose a toast promotion achievements devoted

13 深圳信息职业技术学院 Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology 《秘书英语》课件

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