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Ashby C of E Primary School Foundation Stage Foundation Stage Phonics Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashby C of E Primary School Foundation Stage Foundation Stage Phonics Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashby C of E Primary School Foundation Stage Foundation Stage Phonics Workshop

2 Children start school with an awareness of print around them. Some are aware that the print carries meaning. How we teach reading: Phonics Tricky words Understanding

3 Main approach to supporting children with unknown words... Phonics! Children need to use the letter sounds (not names) to decode words.

4 What is Phonics? Knowledge of letters and the sounds they make. Skills of blending these sounds together to read words. Skills of segmenting the sounds in a word and choosing the correct letters needed to spell it.

5 There are 44 phonemes (sounds) that the children learn throughout the Letters and Sounds Programme.

6 Phoneme- The sounds in a word How many sounds in the word clap? c-l-a-pc-l-a-p How many sounds in the word chat? ch-a-t

7 How do we teach phonics? The children are taught using LCP Phonics scheme of work that follows the Primary National Strategy Letters and Sounds. Letters and Sounds is broken up into phases 1-6. Children start from phase 1. They receive 15-20 minutes phonics teaching each day.

8 Phase 1 Children explore sounds and words and develop awareness of rhyme, rhythm and alliteration. They learn how to orally blend sounds and distinguish different sounds in words. All children in the Foundation Stage have started on Phase 1.


10 Phase 2 Children are introduced to at least 19 letters and corresponding sounds. They begin to read and spell simple CVC words. They also begin to read High Frequency words. All children will start phase 2 after half term.

11 Phase 2 letter sets Set 1 – s, a, t, p Set 2 – i, n, m, d Set 3 – g, o, c, k Set 4 – ck, e, u, r Set 5 – h, b, f, ff, l, ll, s, ss

12 CVC words – Consonant-Vowel- Consonant These are simple words which children start with when they begin to blend sounds e.g. sat pin

13 Phase 3 Phase 3 continues in the same way as Phase 2 and introduces new sounds. By the end of Phase 3 the children will know one way of writing down each of the 44 sounds. Set 6 – j, v, w, x Set 7 – y, z, zz, qu Consonant digraphs – ch, sh, th, ng Vowel digraphs (and trigraphs) ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo (short), ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er,

14 Phase 4 The main challenge in this phase is to help children to blend and segment words with adjacent consonants e.g. truck, help. had, hand, handstand cap, clap, clamp sad, sand, stand

15 High Frequency Words (HFWs) These are common words that are useful for children to learn to read and spell. As children progress through the phases of Letters and Sounds they are introduced to sets of HFWs. Some words are decodable which children can blend to read e.g. then. Some are tricky words e.g. said, which are not phonically decodable and are learned by sight.

16 Some ways we teach phonics Blending to read This involves looking at a written word, looking at each letter and to work out which sound (phoneme) each letter represents and then merging these sounds (phonemes) together to make a word. This is the basis of reading. dog tree

17 Sound Buttons c l a p ch a t

18 Have a try! Put the sound buttons under these words speed cat slight pram toast bin coin farm jumper


20 Spellings In the Foundation Stage children will bring home a word sheet at first before they start formal spellings. These words will be linked to the sounds learnt in school. Later in the academic year your child will be given a small number of spellings to learn each week, with the number of spellings increasing over time to a maximum of 10 words.

21 Silly/alien words Words that are not real but have been made up with sounds your child knows. Good way of seeing how well a child knows the sounds and can blend sounds to read and segment sounds to spell. sproip

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