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THE CHARACTERISTICS OF WRITING Klarisse Mae Alutaya Roella Rose Legaspi.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CHARACTERISTICS OF WRITING Klarisse Mae Alutaya Roella Rose Legaspi."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF WRITING Klarisse Mae Alutaya Roella Rose Legaspi

2 PURPOSE  To inform  To instruct  To propose  To recommend  To persuade

3 AUDIENCE/ READERS  Instructors  Technicians/Users  Decision Makers  Internet Skimmers

4 TYPE/ GENRE  Adhérence to document type (genre)  Format -font -margins -labeling for figures and graphics -line and paragraph spacing -number of words per document or per section -section headings and subheadings

5 CONTENT  engages your readers  pulls your knowledge together and makes it accessible to your customers  creates a buzz in social media  include lists, images, video and a number of other formatting techniques to highlight your message.

6 ORGANIZATION  A strong beginning  Details are in order that makes sense  Details are connected  An ending that ties it all together

7 EFFICIENT WORD USE  Never use two words when one word will do. Ex. 1: The relationship between the nature of salt water to fresh water in the Edgartown Great Pond that fluctuates often is extremely important to everyone including scientists, residents, and environmentalists on Martha’s Vineyard. Ex. 2: The fluctuating salinity of EGP concerns many environmentalists, scientists, and residents.

8 APPROPRIATE WRITING STYLE  Avoid Personal Pronouns: for most documents, it is unnecessary to use “I,” “we,” “us,” and especially “you.” Instead of saying, “I (or we) took measurements,” it is acceptable to say, “Measurements were taken.”

9 VISUAL APPEAL  Bold type  Use Smaller Paragraphs  Columns  Dialogue Break up your writing into smaller paragraphs. Smaller paragraphs just seem more inviting. Like this paragraph here. And this one. Again, yummy whitespace. “I don’t like toast,” he said. “What?” she asked, obviously surprised. “I don’t like toast.” “But everyone likes toast. ” “I don’t like toast,” he repeated. “Yes. You do. Even people who don’t like toast like toast.” “Not me,” he said. “I don’t like toast.”


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