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Texas Higher Education Coordinating BoardApril 27, 2011.

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1 Texas Higher Education Coordinating BoardApril 27, 2011

2 The Challenge “…it’s time for a bold, Texas-style solution to this challenge, that I’m sure the brightest minds in our universities can devise. Today, I’m challenging our institutions of higher education to develop bachelor’s degrees that cost no more than $10,000, including textbooks.” --Rick Perry, 2011 State of the State Address THECB 04/2011 2

3 Myths and Innovations Higher education is in a similar place as computer development was in 2005 with Negroponte’s $100 laptop Higher cost equals higher quality The traditional model is the best model Every student needs access to every on- campus resource THECB 04/2011 3

4 Critical Elements for Success Rigorous academic standards Faculty buy-in and leadership Student demand Recognition that this is not a “one size fits all” degree These degrees will not eliminate those already in place, they merely add one more option for students Focused curriculum with a prescriptive core and few options for undesignated electives Flexible fee structures 4

5 A Preliminary Framework Leverage our existing efforts Take advantage of technology Develop degree programs where students have multiple pathways to complete a degree Integrate the best materials from around the globe Provide dynamic mentoring, advising, and other on-demand student support services to retain and graduate students THECB 04/2011 5

6 Leveraging Our Existing Efforts Average tuition and fees at a public Texas university in 2010: $6,483 per 30 SCH; $25,932 total for a 120-sch degree The lowest tuition and fees at a public Texas university in 2010: Texas A&M University-Texarkana = $4,538 per 30 SCH; $18,152 total for a 120-sch degree 2+2 Agreements Virtual College of Texas THECB 04/2011 6

7 Take Advantage of Technology Eliminate duplication of online programs Target high-demand fields, and allow institutions to compete for the statewide delivery rights Innovate teaching by leveraging alternative delivery systems THECB 04/2011 7

8 Develop Degree Programs with Multiple Pathways Develop competencies for all courses based upon student learning outcomes Allow students to show mastery of competencies in multiple ways (e.g., AP, CLEP, prior learning assessment) Create different course formats to appeal to a variety of learners (e.g., full semester, 6-week accelerated courses, work-at-own-pace courses) Allow students to enroll and begin coursework throughout the academic year THECB 04/2011 8

9 Integrate the Best Materials Integrate developed and open source course materials from top institutions Utilize open source, Creative Commons licensed materials such as those found in the Connexions repository at Rice University or video lectures from the Khan Academy Develop textbooks and materials for those courses where appropriate open source materials do not currently exist THECB 04/2011 9

10 Provide Dynamic Student Support Services Close monitoring of student progress Informed advising Technology enabled advising Leverage face-to-face and online learning resources THECB 04/2011 10

11 Moving Forward Potential models Expanded 2+2 Agreements Community college applied baccalaureate programs Scalable online programs that achieve economies of scale No matter the model, a $10,000 degree program must: Be highly rigorous Be targeted Be highly structured Be competency based Leverage technology Include multiple pathways to the degree Have faculty buy-in Texas has the innovative faculty and institutions to meet this challenge; the Coordinating Board is happy to facilitate their work 11

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