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1 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC District Coordinator Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC District Coordinator Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC District Coordinator Guide

2 2 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Draft Document  Authored by 3 State Coordinators  Art Welch of Virginia  Bill Fritschen of Kansas  Dick Cramer of Georgia

3 3 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Reviewers  Three Oregon DCs  Two California DCs  One California RC  One DC each from Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Minnesota, and Iowa

4 4 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Content  The District Coordinator  The District Management Team  Tasks and Responsibilities  Appendix

5 5 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC The District Coordinator  Description of traits  Overview of position

6 6 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC The District Management Team  DC  AC  TC  TrC  CC  Meetings

7 7 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Tasks and Responsibilities  Site Management  Volunteer Management  Meetings  Ordering  Training  Procedures  Potpourri

8 8 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Appendix  Sample Tax-Aide District Plan  LC Meeting Format and Content  DC and DMT Calendar  Prospective Volunteer Referrals  Glossary of Acronyms

9 9 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Sample Tax-Aide District Plan  Extension of State Plan  Includes Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

10 10 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC LC Meeting Format and Content  Suggests Topics  Covers Administrative Issues

11 11 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC DC and DMT Calendar  Adapted from Oregon DC Calendar  Adaptable for any State  Fill in the Blanks

12 12 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Prospective Volunteer Referrals  Content written by RC  One page roadmap

13 13 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Glossary  Acronyms now consistent in all manuals

14 14 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Comments

15 15 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Sample DC Training Agenda  Introduction and overview of new DC Guide  Review Expense Statements  Review Volunteer Recruitment System  Review Site Management System  Review Activity Reporting

16 16 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Introduction and Overview of new DC Guide  Power point presentation  Small group activity  Complete DC Calendar as a group

17 17 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Expense Statements  Mock electronic expense statement

18 18 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Volunteer Recruitment System  Access info on Extranet  Decide how state will handle referrals  Refer to DC Guide Appendix on Volunteer Referrals

19 19 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Site Management System  Access from Extranet  Live Demo of what/how to input site information

20 20 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Activity Reporting  New process and options  Decide which option state/district/site will choose

21 21 Regional Meetings Nashville 2010 Gwen Williams, Chair, NLDC Comments?

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