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Roosevelt Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison October 19, 2007 John Dunlop American Wind Energy Association Roosevelt Energy.

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1 Roosevelt Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison October 19, 2007 John Dunlop American Wind Energy Association Roosevelt Energy

2 Who is AWEA ? American Wind Energy Association –Established 1974 – National Trade Association for Wind Industry –Legislative / Lobbying –Education & Outreach –Member Services Currently 1100 business, utility, academic, and non-profit members

3 Wind Growing Worldwide Source: AWEA Global Market Report 1. Germany: 20,622 MW 2. Spain: 11,615 MW 3. U.S.: 11,603 MW 4. India: 6,270 MW 5. Denmark: 3,136 MW As of December 31, 2006

4 Wind Power Taking Off in U.S.

5 Reduced Cost Driving Wind’s Success 4 - 7 cents/kWh Levelized cost at good wind sites in nominal dollars, including production tax credit 38 cents/kWh


7 State RES Requirements OR: 25% by 2025 (large utilities ) 5% - 10% by 2025 (smaller utilities)

8 U.S. Wind Power Installations Total: 12,634 MW as of 06/30/07

9 2006 State of the Union Address “…We will invest more in … revolutionary and…wind technologies” Advanced Energy Initiative “Areas with good wind resources have the potential to supply up to 20% of the electricity consumption of the United States.” US Wind 20% Scenario

10 What does 20% wind look like? Would require a total of 305 GW installed by 2030. Compared to the 14 GW that will be installed by end of 2007.

11 20% Wind RPS Picture

12 Over half trillion dollars investment in wind Just $43 billion for 20% wind over no-wind scenario $128 billion in reduced natural gas prices from reduced demand (11% reduction in demand) Nearly 180,000 jobs direct (+120,000 indirect) in 2030 Saves 4 trillion gallons of water use (8%) 825 million tons of CO 2 avoided in 2030 Monetary values in present values, discounted at 7% per OMB guidance National Results: 20% Wind in 2030

13 20% Wind Vision Employment



16 How Does Wind Energy Create Jobs

17 20% Wind Vision Economic Impacts by Sector

18 Contact AWEA 202.383.2500 612.377.3270

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