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Survey Report Students’ Intention of Employment in SCNU Questionnaire.

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1 Survey Report Students’ Intention of Employment in SCNU Questionnaire

2 1. the basic situation of the investigation

3 the basic situation of the investigation 1.Objection of survey To understand the behavioral characteristics of students employment intention and reveal which factors of HRM students in SCNU value or care when choo- sing a job. 2.Respondents Students in SCNU 3.Investigation method The online survey 4.Investigation content The questionnaire main survey college students’ view on the current situation and some of their views of job selection.

4 2. Preparation

5 preparation First,determine our questionnaires’ theme. Second,discuss the messages which we want to get form the questionnaires and set the initial questions. Third, design questionnaires order and draw up the preli minary questionnaires. Fourth, try to fill a questionnaire and modify the questionn aire. Finally, through the QQ, micro-blog and other tools to pro mote questionnaire.

6 Questionnaire

7 3. Investigation process

8 Investigation process Our team members invited their classmates to complete the questionnaire in their own QQ, micro-blog. Meanwhile, we also asked classmates to forward the questionnaire to their friends, this would form the butterfly effect. Finally, we collected 134 questionnaires In this survey. Then,we randomly selected 50 questionnaires were boys and 50 were girls questionnaire as our final analysis of the object.

9 4. Analytic Result

10 Analytic Result Most students think that the current employment situation is a bit grim, but still confident about their job prospects.

11 Analytic Result From this question, we can know that half of the students think that good overall quality can help them find the perfect job. Also, some students think that the right of self-positioning is the most important.

12 Analytic Result 33% of students believe that face to face interviews can improve their job search success rate. 27% of the students believe that through the introduction of social relations Reco mmended easier to get a job. Few students tend to put on resume in a large job fairs or networking to get a job

13 Analytic Result Most students want to kno w the nature and scale of t he company when they ret ain employment. Respectively 24% and 23 % of the students most wa nt to know the company's compensation and benefit s,and the company's mai n business and prospects. Second choice for most st udents is the company's c ompensation and benefits. This shows that the level o f pay and benefits for a pe rson looking for a job is ve ry important.

14 Analytic Result 52% of the students put the employment areas as the mo st important consideration when they choosing a job. 13% of students believe that the level of pay and benefits are the most important factor. 44% of the students think that the wage level is a secondary factor when they choosing a job. If let students select the third factors that affect them when th ey choose a job,most students choose the company's benefits

15 Analytic Result Through this survey question, we found that students pay more attention to areas of employment, wage levels and benefits these three factors when they choose a job.

16 Analytic Result 53% of students want their basic salary is 3,000yuan or more. 30% of students wish they had more than 4,000yuan salary. Few students hope they can have more than 5,000yuan. This shows that different people have different expectations of their own.

17 Analytic Result In the last question, we investigated the students wish to get what help from t he school. 1.Collects and disseminates career inf ormation 2. Organize recruitment activities 3. Provide employment counseling 4. Provides career planning guidance 5. Help solve the employment problem 6. Expanding job market 7. Psychological counseling for employm ent

18 Analytic Result From the survey results, most college students worried about the current employment situation, were p ressure on employment. Students are more valued the nature and scale of the company and the level o f company’s pay and benefits. Students pay more attention to areas of employment, wage levels and benefits these three factors when they choose a job. Students have high requirements on wages, generally requires more than 3000 yuan. This causes them to ignore the individual conditions and future developm ent, missed employment opportunities.

19 Analytic Result Recommendations for employment of university student: 1. Students should improve their employability, make good career plan ning. 2. Not just focus on the professional knowledge at school, ignoring the psychological situation. 3. Strengthening social practice 4. Establish a correct attitude of careers and concept of employment.

20 T hank you

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