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MADISON AND MONROE UNIT 3.4. #4 JAMES MADISON Elected in 1808 (and re-elected in 1812) Served 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican Part of Virginia Dynasty.

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2 #4 JAMES MADISON Elected in 1808 (and re-elected in 1812) Served 1809-1817 Democratic-Republican Part of Virginia Dynasty Shortest President (5’4”) wife – Dolly Inherited problems from the Embargo Act and Impressment Issues

3 WAR OR PEACE “Mr. Madison’s War” – nickname for the War of 1812 Causes: 1. Impressment / Freedom of the Seas – remember Chesapeake-Leopard affair? 2. War Hawks – those wanted to fight (younger congressmen) - Henry Clay - John C. Calhoun 3. Border disputes/Desire for Land (Manifest Destiny) - Maine, Oregon, Canada 4. Indian “problem” – Is Britain helping them?

4 WAR OF 1812 – THE BAD -Failed invasion of Canada. -Navy in the Atlantic Ocean (how did those Jeffs do?) -Defeat of troops on East Coast -Burning of Washington D.C. (1814)

5 WAR OF 1812 - SUCCESSES - Against Indians Battle of Thames – William H. Harrison v. Tecumseh Battle of Horseshoe Bend – Andrew Jackson -Commodore Oliver Perry in Great Lakes (Battle of Put-in-Bay) -Ft. McHenry (Baltimore) -Francis Scott Key and the Star-Spangled Banner

6 CEASEFIRE Treaty of Ghent (Dec. 24, 1814) - Did not resolve any of the causes of the war, just stopped the fighting. - Why did we sign it? - Why did Britain sign it? - Ever since the War of 1812, how is our overall relationship with Britain?

7 THE BIGGEST BATTLE? - After the Treaty was signed, the biggest battle was fought. Why? Battle of New Orleans (Jan) 1815 - Andrew Jackson - help from pirates led by Jean Lafitte. Why did they help the U.S.? - Casualties: U.S. - 55 killed, 185 wounded, 93 MIA Britain – 386 killed, 1521 wounded, 552 MIA - Why did it not matter officially? - Why did it matter unofficially?

8 NEW ENGLAND RUMBLINGS - New England states felt that the Democratic-Republicans were trying to purposely hurt them with Embargo and then war. -Met during war -Hartford Convention (1814) -Discussed Nullification and hinted at Secession -Soon after news of Ghent and New Orleans -Basically deathblow to Federalist Party (except for in Supreme Court w/ John Marshall)

9 FLORIDA AFTER WAR OF 1812 1 st Seminole War -After New Orleans, Jackson went back after Creeks -Many “ran away” to Spanish Florida -Jackson went after them with U.S. Army (act of war) -Seminoles never surrender, fighting just stops over time -Diplomatic crisis for U.S. Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 - U.S. buys Florida for $5.3 million - U.S. gives up any claims to Texas from L.P. -Jackson becomes military governor of Florida

10 #5 JAMES MONROE -Elected in 1816, Re-elected in 1820 -Ran unopposed in 1820 -But not elected unanimously in the Electoral College. Why not? -Era of Good Feelings nickname, but was everything good? -Had Goodwill Tour of Nation -Last of Virginia Dynasty. 1817-1824

11 GREAT LAKES PROBLEM SOLVED Rush – Bagot Agreement (1818) -With Britain (weren’t we just fighting them?) -Led to mutual disarmament of Great Lakes (demilitarization) -Longest undefended border between U.S. and (now) Canada

12 THIS IS OUR HEMISPHERE! Monroe Doctrine (1823) -Written by Sec. of State John Q. Adams (Monroe gives it in a State of Union Address) -Aimed at Britain and France (eyeing lands Spain is losing- Mexico 1821) -Says that European powers are to not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere (N & S America) -U.S. Navy did not have power to enforce it. So who did and why?

13 THE 3 WHO LASTED (NEVER DIE?) The Great Triumvirate -Emerging during the War of 1812 talk, they will be powerful forces in the U.S. government through the 1850s -From the West – Henry Clay -From the South – John C. Calhoun -From New England – Daniel Webster

14 SECTIONALISM EMERGES Missouri Compromise / Compromise of 1820 -In 1819 there were 11 free states / 11 slave states. -Southerners wanted to keep the balance to block any laws that threatened Slavery (free outnumbered in House of Reps). -Missouri applied for statehood (first from Louisiana Purchase). -After months of debate, Henry Clay makes a Compromise Bill. -Missouri as a slave state -Maine as a free state -In rest of Louisiana Purchase, all about 36-30 latitude to be free -Solves problem for next 30 years.


16 MONEY ISSUES 1816 Tariff -Put into place to protect U.S. Manufactures. -Many had developed due to embargo and war limiting competition -1 st protective tariff in U.S. history -Why good? Why bad? Panic of 1819 -First major economic downturn since 1789. -Panic = recession -Caused by over speculation on land and Wildcat Banks

17 BUS PROBLEMS 2 nd Bank of U.S. -Rechartered in 1816 -Democratic-Republicans approved it -How is different than when the Federalist first introduced one? McCulloch v. Maryland -1819 -Could a state tax the B.U.S.? -Can Congress have a bank without a section in the Constitution? -John Marshall and Supreme Court ruled yes due to: -Elastic Clause – “congress can do anything necessary and proper” -Known as Implied Powers -Federalist Party dead, but ideas live on.

18 MARSHALL, MARSHALL, MARSHALL Gibbons v. Ogden -1824 -Ferries in Hudson -Marshall rules Federal government has power over Interstate Commerce Other Marshall cases -Ruled in favor of the Federal gov’t and business over the states. -How is that what the Federalist Party wanted? -Fletcher v. Peck 1810 – Contracts legal even if shady -Worcester v. Georgia 1831 – U.S., not states over Indians

19 REFLECTION QUESTIONS -What were the causes of the War of 1812 and were they solved with the war? -In what ways was the “Era of Good Feelings” after the war not so good and happy? -How did Presidents Madison and Monroe go away from the original ideas of Jefferson and the Democratic- Republicans? -How did the Federalist Party finally die, but how did it actually continue on for two decades?

20 LINKS – Battle of New Orleans song c&list=UUZYs757tACChkS-vjS1m66Q&index=2&feature=plcp c&list=UUZYs757tACChkS-vjS1m66Q&index=2&feature=plcp – review video (War of 1812) 757tACChkS-vjS1m66Q&index=55&feature=plcp 757tACChkS-vjS1m66Q&index=55&feature=plcp – review video wrel wrel – Presidents song

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