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IAOPA Regional Meeting Zürich 18 October 2008

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Presentation on theme: "IAOPA Regional Meeting Zürich 18 October 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 IAOPA Regional Meeting Zürich 18 October 2008

2 IAOPA Europe website progress  Increasing number of users and subscribers (new server added)‏  Stable news feeds  Centralized distribution of E-newsletter  Started online surveys



5 Website - News feeds  IAOPA E-newsletter  General Aviation Magazine  Sporadic input from national AOPAs

6 IAOPA ENewsletter  Central distribution started with July issue  The email contains a link to easily unsubscribe  Much easier sign-up process Just enter your email in the top right corner and click subscribe No need to create a full user account

7  TODO: ADD image of sign-up form

8 Email contributions  Austria - approx. 40  Denmark - 109  Iceland - 25  Greece - 212  Spain - 242  Switzerland - 876  UK - approx 2.200

9 Current email database status 4959 active subscribers 61 has unsubscribed (1,23 percent)‏



12 Recients in numbers

13 IAOPA Enewsletter- Your job:  Provide updated email lists  or input email address at for your new members  Promote the IAOPA enewsletter in your country – ”now signing up easier than ever”

14 Cost of CAMOs – online survey

15 Goal of CAMO survey  Use results to put pressure on the EU Commission to ease up on requirements  Make significant price differences across Europe more transparent and help our members find cheaper solutions

16  TODO – insert screendump

17 Goal of fuel refund survey  Make our members aware of significant fuel costs savings  Use as leverage for countries not providing fuel tax refunds and therefore not complying with EU regulation EC/96/2003

18 Your job  Promote the IAOPA newsletter in your country Supply email address list or Encourage your members to sign up  Supply data for the fuel refund survey  Supply data for the CAMO survey

19 Thanks for your attention!

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