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The Rise of Big Business I.Social Darwinism II.Social Darwinism in Action III.Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Big Business I.Social Darwinism II.Social Darwinism in Action III.Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Big Business I.Social Darwinism II.Social Darwinism in Action III.Robber Baron or Captain of Industry?

2 Social Darwinism Definition: society should do as little as possible to interfere with business Government policy: laissez-fair – no government regulations in economics

3 Social Darwinsim Businesses Boom because : –Larger pools of capital: entrepreneurs had to invest large sums of own money or borrow from investors (sell stock) –Wider geographic span: expansion of railroads made it possible for businesses to have offices in many regions –Broader range of operations: businesses performed all stages of production –Revised role of ownership: owners could not oversee all areas of business & hired professional managers who had no stake in the business to run it –New methods of management: accounting, specialized departments

4 Social Darwinism in Action As big business flourished, only a few companies could compete in a given industry creating an oligopoly. Monopoly: exclusive control of an industry Cartel: loose association of businesses that make the same product; agree to limit supply of their products to keep prices high

5 Robber Baron Built their fortunes by stealing from public Drained country of natural resources Persuaded public officials to interpret laws in their favor

6 Captain of Industry Served nation in a positive way Increased supply of goods Raised productivity Expanded markets thus creating jobs Helped establish museums, libraries, universities, etc.

7 Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? John D. Rockefeller – formed Standard Oil Co. –Horizontal Consolidation: process of bringing together many firms in the same business to form one large company Controlled all oil prices because he owned all refineries –Standard Oil Co.: America’s 1 st oil trust in 1880s –Gave over $500 million to establish & improve charities & institutions he believed would help humanity

8 Robber Baron or Captain of Industry? Andrew Carnegie – Carnegie Steel Co. –Established some of 1 st steel monopolies in America in 1870s Vertical consolidation: process of gaining control of many different businesses that make up all phases of a product’s development Economies of Scale: phenomenon that as production increases, the cost of each item produced is often lowered –Sold company to JP Morgan in 1901 for $500 million –Preached “Gospel of Wealth” –Gave over $350 million to free public libraries, supported artistic & research institutes & set up fund to study how to abolish war.

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