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Jeopardy MendelVocabularyMendelian Genetics Problems Extensions to Mendel problems Pedigrees 20 40 60 80 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy MendelVocabularyMendelian Genetics Problems Extensions to Mendel problems Pedigrees 20 40 60 80 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy MendelVocabularyMendelian Genetics Problems Extensions to Mendel problems Pedigrees 20 40 60 80 100


3 What country was Mendel from & What was his occupation? Austria, Augustinian monk

4 What type of organisms did Mendel experiment on? How many traits did he look at? Pea plants, 7

5 What did Mendel name his (a) parents, (b) children, and (c) grandchildren? a) P b) F1 c) F2

6 What was the difference between Mendel’s first and second set of experiments? 1 st experiment he only observed 1 trait. 2 nd experiment he observed 2 traits.

7 Describe Mendel’s experimental protocol. Cross fertilized truebreds exhibiting opposite traits to produce an F1 generation. Then, allowed F1 hybrids to self-fertilize to produce an F2 generation.

8 What is the difference between heterozygous & homozygous? Hetero: 2 different alleles (Hh) Homozygous: Same alleles (HH or hh)

9 What is the difference between a gene & allele? A gene is a segment of alleles that codes for a particular trait. An allele is the option within that gene. 2 alleles are inherited for every trait, 1 from mom and 1 from dad.

10 What is the difference between phenotype and genotype? Phenotype: Expressed trait (physical appearance) Genotype: Combination of alleles that specifies a particular trait (Gg)

11 What does polygenic mean? 2 or more genes code for a particular trait

12 What is pleiotropy? 1 genes codes (affects) many traits. i.e. sickle cell anemia

13 What percentage of the offspring would you expect to be tall if you crossed a homozygous tall plant with a short plant? (Tall is dominant) 100% tall

14 What percentage of the offspring would you expect to be tall if you crossed a heterozygous tall plant with a heterozygous tall plant? (Tall is dominant) 75% tall

15 If the chance of having a boy is 50% (or ½), what is the chance of having 2 boys? ½ X ½ = ¼ (25%) chance

16 What percentage of the offspring would you expect to be tall & yellow if you crossed a pure tall and pure yellow plant with a short and green plant? (Tall is dominant; yellow is dominant) 100% tall and yellow

17 What percentage of the offspring would you expect to be tall & yellow if you crossed a Heterozygous tall and yellow plant with a short and green plant? (Tall is dominant; yellow is dominant) 25% tall and yellow

18 Hair texture in humans shows incomplete dominance. The H allele is for curly, and h is for straight. An Hh person has wavy hair. What percentage of the offspring would you expect to have wavy hair if you crossed a Wavy haired female with a Straight haired male? 50% Hh (wavy hair)

19 Name 3 polygenic traits in humans. Eye color Height Skin color

20 Colorblindness is x-linked recessive. Cross a color-blind male with a female carrier. What are the chances that a son will be colorblind? 50% boys will be colorblind

21 Can a person with AB blood and a person with O blood have a child with type O blood? No! AB x O= 50% heterozygous A and 50% heterozygou B

22 Can a person heterozygous for type A blood and a person heterozygous for type B blood have 3 kids each with a different type of blood?

23 What is a pedigree? Chart showing traits passed through generations

24 How can you tell if the shading on a pedigree is for a dominant or recessive trait? Dominant never skips a generation

25 What is the genotype of II-3? (Use the letter A) Aa

26 What is the genotype of II-4? (Use the letter A) A?

27 Why is it difficult to create a pedigree for something like heart disease or cancer? Remember, genetics is heavily affected by environment. Especially for these two diseases, environmental factors affect the risks of both.

28 Final Question: State how sex is determined in: Humans Fruit Flies Bees

29 Final Question: State how sex is determined in: Humans – xx female / xy male Fruit Flies – xx female / xy male Bees – 32 female / 16 male

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