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HUMAN BLOOD R.B.C Red blood cells contain a special protein called hemoglobin, which contains iron and carries the oxygen to the body Red blood cells.

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3 R.B.C Red blood cells contain a special protein called hemoglobin, which contains iron and carries the oxygen to the body Red blood cells contain a special protein called hemoglobin, which contains iron and carries the oxygen to the body Hemoglobin also makes red blood cells red. Hemoglobin also makes red blood cells red. We have so many red cells that our blood itself appears red, even though it contains more than red blood cells. We have so many red cells that our blood itself appears red, even though it contains more than red blood cells.


5 Inheritance of Blood Types

6 Discovery of Blood Typing First to discover blood types (1900) Dr. Karl Landsteiner Observed blood transfusions: the transfer of blood from one to another. Noticed that the blood of the donor would clump/clot with that of the patient (Agglutination)

7 The Four Classic Blood Types ____ ____ ABABO The difference in blood types is caused by different proteins found of the surface of the red blood cells known as Antigen A and Antigen B.

8 The Four Classic Blood Types _________:substance that can trigger the production of antibodies. Antigen _____________:proteins produced by the immune system that destroy foreign substances (such as antigens). Antibodies

9 Blood Types Blood Types: Antigen(s) on RBC Antibodies produced Can donate blood to: Can receive blood from: Genotypes: A IAiIAiAA ALL B B IBIBIBIB B IAIAIAIA IBiIBi AB ALL AB IAIBIAIB O O O ii O Antigen B Antigens A&B Antigen A Neither Anti B Anti A NONE Anti A&B

10 Rh Factor in Blood The Rh factor is another protein factor on the Red Blood Cells The term Rh comes from the type of monkeys used to test for this factor originally, Rhesus Monkeys

11 Rh Factor Statistics 85% of people have Rh present on their red blood cells. Their blood is referred to as _____ and they can receive ___________ blood. 15% of people DO NOT have Rh present on their red blood cells. Their blood is referred to as ______ and they can receive ____________. Rh+ Rh- + and - only - Universal blood donor (used by all)_____. Universal blood recipient (can receive all types)____. O- AB+

12 Rh Factor and Pregnancy Rh (-) Mother X Rh(+) Father 1 st Rh (+) Baby2 nd Rh (+) Baby

13 Rh Factor and Pregnancy

14 World Map of the A Allele

15 World Map of the B Allele

16 World Map of the O Allele Blood Type

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