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Discipline Referrals, Data Analysis, SWPBIS Rollout SWPBS Day 4: Universal Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Discipline Referrals, Data Analysis, SWPBIS Rollout SWPBS Day 4: Universal Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discipline Referrals, Data Analysis, SWPBIS Rollout SWPBS Day 4: Universal Curriculum

2 The importance of what we are doing! 2 http://Social/Emotional Learning - Hawn FoundationSocial/Emotional Learning - Hawn Foundation

3 4 : 1 8/24/2010 3

4 Previous Meeting Objectives Understand why acknowledgement systems are a critical feedback mechanism for students. Develop acknowledgement system Define office vs. classroom handled problem behaviors Define how each type of problem behavior is handled in a flow chart display 4

5 Today’s Objectives Review Progress of your Core Team Plan for Fidelity Checks: Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Use Data for Problem Solving TIPS Action Planning Rollout/ Year 1 Implementation - Guest Speaker 5

6 Where are we? Matrix Lesson planning Acknowledgements (see new examples) Behavior definitions Discipline Referral Format 6

7 TIC – Team Implementation Checklist and BoQ - Benchmarks of Quality Complete with Coach (by the end of the year) Corresponds with Action Plan Report on PBIS Assessment Website 7

8 Minors-Classroom Managed Behaviors a) Simple correction strategies to use with early stage misbehavior to try the easy thing first b) Creating your menu of classroom-based corrective consequences-teacher managed consequences c) Majors (Office managed consequences)-How will you determine these? 8

9 9 General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Problem solve Determine consequence Follow procedure documented File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Determine consequence Follow through with consequences Problem solve Follow documented procedure Write referral and Escort student to office Follow up with student within a week Is behavior major? Does student have 3? NOYES NO YES Find a place to talk with student(s) Ensure safety

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11 Office Discipline Referrals 11 BIG 5 o Where are they happening? o What types of problem behaviors? o When are the problems occurring? o Who is contributing? o What is the possible motivation? And what is the consequence?

12 Minor Inappropriate language Disruption Property misuse Non- compliance Other_____ Parent contact Out-of-school suspension Time in office Other________________ Avoid work Obtain items Don’t know Other_____ Classroom On bus Special event Common area Other_____ Possible MotivationLocationProblem Behavior Consequence Lose privilege individual instruction Conference In-school suspension Attention from peers Attention from adults Avoid peers Avoid adults Hallway Cafeteria Library Restroom Office Parking lot Major Abusive language Fighting/ physical aggression Harassment Overt defiance Other_____ Office Discipline Referral Form Name: _________________________ Grade: _____ Date: _____ Referring Person: ________________________Time: ________ Others involved: None Peers Staff Teacher Substitute Unknown Other 12

13 ACTIVITY Revise current office discipline referral form Continue defining minor and major behaviors 13

14 Implementers’ Forum Video 14

15 TIPS Goal: Develop a “problem-solving model” for school teams that results in active use of data to (a) define problems, (b) build solutions, and (c) transform solutions into practical action plans. Steve Newton, Anne Todd, Bob Algozzine, Kate Algozzine, Rob Horner Collect and Use and UseData Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model

16 TIPS Model Team Meeting Use of electronic agenda Formal roles (facilitator, recorder, data analyst) Specific expectations (before meeting, during meeting, after meeting) Expected use of data

17 Problem Solving Goals Define logic for data use Define “problem statements” that can lead to functional solutions Define standards for using data to refine problem statements and build solutions Define core elements of behavioral solutions Assist teams with using data for problem solving

18 Main Idea The process a team uses to problem solve is important: Roles: Facilitator; Recorder; Data analyst; Active member Organization Agenda; Old business (did we do what we said we would do); New business; Action plan for decisions. What happens BEFORE a meeting What happens DURING a meeting What happen AFTER a meeting

19 Using Data Do we have a problem? Refine the description of the problem? What behavior, Who, Where, When, Why Test hypotheses “I think the problem on the playground is due to Eric” “ We think the lunch period is too long” “We believe the end of ‘block schedule” is used poorly” Define how to monitor if solution is effective

20 Important Structural Components Regular meetings & regular attendance The “right” people The right roles Facilitator Minute Taker Data Analyst Active Team Members Accomplishments – Products of successful meeting Meeting Minutes (record of decisions & tasks concerning administrative/general issues) Action Plan (record of decisions & tasks concerning problems identified by team) (We’ll discuss these in more detail later in this workshop)

21 Collect and Use and UseData Review Status and Identify Problems Develop and Refine Hypotheses Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Problem Solving Foundations Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model

22 Identifying problems/issues What data to monitor ODR per day per month OSS, ISS, Attendance, Teacher report Team Checklist/ SET (are we doing what we planned to do?) What question to answer Do we have a problem? What questions to ask of Level, Trend, Peaks How do our data compare with last year? How do our data compare with national/regional norms? How do our data compare with our preferred/expected status? If a problem is identified, then ask What are the data we need to make a good decision?

23 Using Data to Refine Problem Statement The statement of a problem is important for team-based problem solving. Everyone must be working on the same problem with the same assumptions. Problems often are framed in a “Primary” form, that creates concern, but that is not useful for problem- solving. Frame primary problems based on initial review of data Use more detailed review of data to build “Solvable Problem Statements.”

24 Implementers’ Forum Video 24

25 Precise Problem Statements (What are the data we need for a decision?) Precise problem statements include information about the Big Five questions: What is problem, and how often is it happening Where is it happening Who is engaged in the behavior When the problem is most likely Why the problem is sustaining

26 Primary vs. Precision Statements Primary Statements Too many referrals September has more suspensions than last year Gang behavior is increasing The cafeteria is out of control Student disrespect is out of control Precision Statements There are more ODRs for aggression on the playground than last year. These are most likely to occur during first recess, with a large number of students, and the aggression is related to getting access to the new playground equipment.

27 Precise Statement? Children are using inappropriate language with a high frequency in the presence of both adults and other children. This is creating a sense of disrespect and incivility in the school James D. is hitting others in the cafeteria during lunch, and his hitting is maintained by peer attention.

28 Precise Statement? ODRs during December are higher than in any other month. Minor disrespect and disruption are increasing over time, and are most likely during the last 15 minutes of our block periods when students are engaged in independent seat work. This pattern is most common in 7 th and 8 th grades, involves many students, and appears to be maintained by escape from work (but may also be maintained by peer attention… we are not sure).

29 Precise Statement? Three 5 th grade boys are name calling and touching girls inappropriately during recess in an apparent attempt to obtain attention. Boys are engaging in sexual harassment

30 Precision Statements 5 Core “W” Questions What Where When Who Why Precision Statements There are more ODRs for aggression on the playground than last year. These are most likely to occur during first recess, with a large number of students, and the aggression is related to getting access to the new playground equipment.

31 Create your Own Precise Statement 31 Using your data, develop a precision statement that describes a problem behavior. Highlight the 5 Core “W” Questions in different colors: What Where When Who Why

32 Organizing Data for Decision-making Compare data across time Moving from counts to count/month

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47 Using Data to Build Solutions Prevention: How can we avoid the problem context? Who, When, Where Schedule change, curriculum change, etc Teaching: How can we define, teach, and monitor what we want? Teach appropriate behavior Use problem behavior as negative example Recognition: How can we build in systematic reward for desired behavior? Extinction: How can we prevent problem behavior from being rewarded? Consequences: What are efficient, consistent consequences for problem behavior? How will we collect and use data to evaluate (a) implementation fidelity, and (b) impact on student outcomes?

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49 Solution Development Prevention Teaching Reward Extinction Corrective Consequence Data Collection PBIS Team Meeting Minutes and Problem Solving Action Plan Form


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52 565 students Grades 6,7,8 Trevor Test Middle School

53 Cafeteria Class Commons Hall 12:00 Lang. Defiance Disruption Harrass Skip


55 Develop 2 Precise Problem Statements & Hypothesis Development (Which students)______________________are engaging in (what behaviors)________________ and the behavior is maintained by (function of the behavior or why)_________________________________.

56 Solution Development: For disruption in hall and cafeteria Prevention Teaching Reward Extinction Corrective Consequence Data Collection

57 Please log on to the survey to help us plan for our April training. You can directly link to this site through the materials on line for this session. Thank you! QLGF QLGF 57

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