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Blood types are identified by certain antigens in red blood cells Type A RBC’s carry the “A” antigen Type B carry the “B” antigen Type AB both “A” and.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood types are identified by certain antigens in red blood cells Type A RBC’s carry the “A” antigen Type B carry the “B” antigen Type AB both “A” and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blood types are identified by certain antigens in red blood cells Type A RBC’s carry the “A” antigen Type B carry the “B” antigen Type AB both “A” and “B” antigens Type O NO antigens

3 Any blood type (antigen) other than that carried on one’s RBC’s is considered foreign The body will produce antibodies against it!

4 Type A Anti-B antibodies Type B Anti-A antibodies Type AB No antibodies Type O Both Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies

5 Cells also carry an antigen dubbed “rhesus factor” (Rh factor) first discovered in Rhesus monkeys If present, Rh positive If absent, Rh negative…


7 If you’ve received a transfusion before… OR Had a child before… Things get a bit more complicated…

8 There are over 20 different antigens on Erythrocytes! Start with a simple antibody panel (the three most common antigens) Look for a reaction… If negative, most likely can receive a transfusion without incident… If positive, patient’s blood receives another battery of tests…





13 Type A: can receive… Types A & O blood Type B can receive… Types B & O blood Type AB can receive… Types A, B, AB, & O blood The universal recipient! Type O can receive… Type O blood only! TYPE O BLOOD: THE UNIVERSAL DONOR!!


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