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New Ideas Trigger Change Objective: I can describe how religious beliefs in the colonies changed over time. Preview: Do you think religion empowered people.

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Presentation on theme: "New Ideas Trigger Change Objective: I can describe how religious beliefs in the colonies changed over time. Preview: Do you think religion empowered people."— Presentation transcript:


2 New Ideas Trigger Change Objective: I can describe how religious beliefs in the colonies changed over time. Preview: Do you think religion empowered people in the colonies or held them back from their full potential? Why? Process: Ideas discussion On Your Own: Salem Parody: due tomorrow.

3 Salem Witch Trials (What) Where: Puritan town of Salem, Massachusett s When: 1692

4 Salem Witch Trials: Who? Several Salem girls accused a West Indian slave woman, Tituba, of practicing witchcraft. They had been caught dancing and conjuring with her. Fear of being caught so they began accusing others. Symptoms = hallucinations, convulsions, slurred speech Soon other villagers develop symptoms & begin accusing people (150+)

5 Why? 1.Extreme religious faith 2.Stress from growing population and the bad relations with the Native Americans 3.Narrow opportunity for women and girls to participate in Puritan society.

6 Results of the Trials Trials revealed class, urban/rural tensions in society 19 men/women hanged One man crushed to death 4 died in prison ~150 were accused/imprisoned. Highlights the mass religious and social tensions of the time.

7 The Enlightenment What: An 18 th Century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge. When: Between 1720-1780 the Enlightenment caused a general decline in religion in America. -- Enlightenment = Belief that men are endowed w/ reason to discover the “natural laws” that run the Earth. -- God = ‘Watchmaker’ Result: Had an effect on political thought in the colonies.

8 The Who’s : Thomas Jefferson Used reason to conclude that individuals have natural rights, which governments must respect. Got his ideas from people like John Locke, Adam Smith, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.

9 The Other Who: Benjamin Franklin Embraced the idea of obtaining truth through experimentation and reasoning. – Invented the lightning rod and bifocals!

10 The Great Awakening (What) When: 1730s-1760s What: A revival of religious feelings in the American colonies. Why? Challenged the authority of established churches. Result: Brought colonists, Native and African Americans into organized Christian churches for the first time.

11 The Great Awakening (1730-65) Many people are disappointed w/ Puritanism’s strict rules and double standards throughout the colonies (where/why) What: Half-Way Covenant – in order to boost membership the Puritans decided that you could be a ‘member’ w/o a ‘conversion’ experience Who: George Whitefield & Johnathan Edwards—preachers 3. “New” Religion stresses personal experience w/ God -- No “preacher”/church needed -- Appeals to poor, blacks, etc… Result: 1 st truly “national” event – helps bring colonies together -- Also challenged traditional religious/political authority George Whitefield Preaching to a crowd

12 Conclusion The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment caused colonists to question traditional authority—socially, religiously, and politically. Stressed the importance of the individual Helped lead colonists to question of Britain’s authority over their lives.

13 Roots of Democracy in America 1.Virginia House of Burgesses – 1619 a. Landowning males elect reps. to pass laws that govern colony b. 1 st elected legislature in America 2. Mayflower Compact – 1620 a. Pilgrims made a pat to “enact and obey just and equal laws” b. 1 st written constitution in America c. Characteristics = “direct Democracy”, Rule by majority 3. New England Town Meetings -- All landowning males gather to make local decisions 4. New England Confederation a. 4 Colonies (primarily aristocrats) ban together for: defense against Natives; inter- colonial problems b. Each colony given 2 votes in legislature – MD & RI banned from joining 5. Fundamental Orders of Conn. – 1639 a. One of 1 st written Constitutions -- Elected Governor & laws should express will of majority 6. Lord Baltimore passes Acts of Toleration -- Guaranteestoleration to all Christians

14 Status of Colonial Governments? By 1754: 1. 8 Colonies were Royal Colonies: King selects Governor & Upper House; Voters elect Lower House -- VA, MA, N/SA Carolina, GA, NJ, NY, NH 2. 3 were Proprietary Colonies => Proprietor selected Governor; Voters elect Assembely -- DE, MD, PA 3. 2 were Self-Governing Colonies (CT, RI) -- Voters elect governor and Assembelies

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