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FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011 Omar Baddour Chief, Division of Climate Data Management Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011 Omar Baddour Chief, Division of Climate Data Management Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011 Omar Baddour Chief, Division of Climate Data Management Applications Observing and Information System Department- Geneva, WMO WMO Climate System Monitoring Perspective of the Commission for Climatology (CC L )

2 22 The World Meteorological Organization An authoritative international scientific voice on The Earth’s Climate System and on Climate Change. WMO OMM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

3 33 Goals of the WMO CSM Analysis of inter-annual variability of the global climate system Detection of Climate Change Implementation of methods to rescue, preserve and manage climate data Preparation and distribution of global and regional data sets, including metadata Preparation and dissemination of the WMO climate statements and reviews WMO OMM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011


5 5 Climate change Warming of the climate system is unequivocal (increase in global average air/ocean temperatures, rising global average sea level, widespread melting of snow and ice,, …) FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

6 6 Long term climate projections The pattern of future warming where land warms more that the oceans and more in northern high latitudes is seen in all scenarios. The maps show the multi-AOGCM average projection for the A2, A1B, B1 SRES scenarios for three periods over the 21st century. Temperatures are relative to the period 1980-1999. FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

7 7 DateKilled(no. of people) Italy200320,089 France200319,490 Spain200315,090 Germany20039,355 Portugal20032,696 India19982,541 France20061,388 United States 19801,260 India20031,210 Belgium20031,175 Extreme climate events FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

8 8 Projects relevant to WMO CSM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

9 9 International Project on Climate Change Detection and Indices CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices – Provide International Coordination for Climate change detection and climate indices –Develop tools and material including software to calculate indices –Organize training workshops – Peer reviewed publications for contribution to the IPCC assessment reports FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

10 10 Congo Workshop, Brazzaville, April 2007 FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

11 11 Contributions from countries and international Programmes Highlights the annual Surface Temperature Globally and regionally Describe major extreme weather and climate events in the year In 6 languages WMO annual assessment of the status of the Global Climate System FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

12 12 Recent show-case WMO OMM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

13 13 Climate Watch Systems WMO OMM - To monitor climate anomalies and related extremes - To produce and disseminate climate advisories (climate alert bulletins) on significant ongoing or foreseen climate anomalies - To heighten awareness among relevant users to initiate preparedness measures - To interact with the users prior, during and after the Alert episode FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

14 14 3 Workshops: 2008-2010 2008 2009 2010 WMO OMM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

15 15 Key challenges  Climate data coverage remains limited in some regions and there is a notable lack of geographic balance in data with marked scarcity in developing countries;  Monitoring changes in extreme events, including drought, tropical cyclones, extreme temperatures and the frequency and intensity of precipitation, is more difficult than for climatic averages as longer data time-series of higher spatial and temporal resolutions are required;  Need to address the new requirements in climate System Monitoring which are emerging as a response to the demand for climate services, especially to deal with high impact weather and climate extremes, and climate of mountainous areas, low populated areas and polar regions;  Climate information is expected to have and expanded market at all level of decision-making  Specialized climate monitoring products – Must become user centric  Downscaling global climate information to regional and national level FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

16 16 Key relevant CC L decisions Alignment of the Commission work to respond to emerging priorities of the Global Framework for Climate Services Integrate and exchange climate data from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and data from other sources such as remote-sensing data, Geographical Information Systems, and data from applications sectors; Liaise with other technical commissions (CBS, JCOMM, CHy, CAgm), and the WMO Space Programme on relevant issues related to climate data and related systems; Further develop indicators on climate variability and change from the surface and subsurface ocean to the stratosphere; FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011


18 18 Members 1. Ren Fumen (China) (Lead) 2. Pattanaik Dushmenda (India) (Co-Lead) 3. Randall Cerveny (USA) 4. Blair Trewin (Asutralia) 5. Boris Sherstyukov (Russia) 6. Jurq Rapp (Germany) 7. Diallo Aissatou (Guinea) WMO OMM CCL-XV OPACE-2 Task Team on National Climate Monitoring Products Members 1. John Kennedy (UK) (Lead) 2. Ladislaus B. Chang'a (Tanzania) (Co-lead) 3. Andrew Watkins (Australia) 4. Xiaolan Wang (Canada) 5. Olga Bulygina (Russia) 6. Mesut Demircan (Turkey) 7. Raj Booneeday (Mauritius) 8. Mohamed Semawi (Jordan) CCL-XV OPACE-2 Task Team on extreme climate events Key CCl Task Teams for CSM FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011

19 19 Joint CCl/WCRP-Clivar/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ET-CCDI) FIRST WORKSHOP ON SPACE-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE, Geneva, 13-14 January 2011


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