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Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Environmental and genetic regulation of prenatal events and its importance for postnatal growth performance and meat.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Environmental and genetic regulation of prenatal events and its importance for postnatal growth performance and meat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Environmental and genetic regulation of prenatal events and its importance for postnatal growth performance and meat quality te Pas et al.

2 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Myogenesis – as we all know it….

3 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Myogenesis – as influenced by…. Environment Nutrition Management Temperature Mother interaction Influence modulated by the Genotype … secondary muscle fibreformation hypertrophic musclefibregrowth birth primary muscle fibreformation maintenance Genetics MRF genes Muscle-specific genes Cell division genes Energy-related genes Affected by Environment … Species- specific

4 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre A review? Environmental factors Birth weight (Charlotte) Nutrition (Charlotte) Muscle fibre numbers (Charlotte) Carcass composition Meat quality In vitro experiments.. Genetic factors IGF-II (Karijn) Epigenetic expression Satellite cell activity RYR1 (Karijn) Interaction with IGF-II (growth) Selection (Charlotte) Mice: 70 generations Selected – wt pigs Myostatin (Charlotte) hyperplasia Prenatal expression patterns (Marinus) …

5 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre A review? (2) Why a review? To mark the results of our COST action To reference our publications in connection to each other More references Papers from Antalya Scan papers from other meetings General literature

6 Animal Breeding & Genomics Centre Actions Do we continue? Who would like to participate? Journal? Missing things?

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