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Patterns of Cause-Effect Relationships. Linear Chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of Cause-Effect Relationships. Linear Chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns of Cause-Effect Relationships

2 Linear Chain

3 Case Study: Arctic Fossil Fuels

4 Case Study: Indonesia’s Deforestation

5 Case Study: Visit to Wiscu Courtesy of World Neighbors, OKC

6 Imaynalla! Welcome to the Andes!

7 The village of Wiscu sits on a barren, treeless, sloping landscape in central Bolivia, nearly 12,000 feet above sea level.

8 Rocky ledges and boulders rise from thin mountain soil; it is clear that the best soil has long washed down the hillside.

9 Wiscu is one of many rural Quechua settlements…

10 There are no roads, no electricity, no running water, and no health facilities.

11 This year, there is a new building in town- one that serves as a symbol of community cooperation.

12 The adobe structure is filled with plump, fast-breeding guinea pigs!

13 Guinea pigs, not considered pets in Bolivia, provide villagers with a desperately needed source of protein. Guinea pigs are also low in fat and cholesterol.

14 Though destined for the dinner table, guinea pigs also play another part in the community’s food cycle…

15 …providing manure for crops.

16 However, the guinea pigs need to eat, too. And fodder for animals is a scarce commodity in the Andes Mountains.

17 Through a soil conservation project, the farmers have built contour barriers of fast-growing grass.

18 The grass provides food for the guinea pigs, while the grass roots keep the soil in place and build up terraces for other crops.

19 The Quechua are taking actions to secure a future for the next generation.

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