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Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Chemistry and Biochemistry Computational and Data.

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2 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Chemistry and Biochemistry Computational and Data Sciences Environmental Science and Policy Geography and Geoinformation Science Mathematical Sciences Molecular and Microbiology Physics and Astronomy Climate Dynamics Chair, Part of Nobel- Winning IPCC, 2007 Remote sensing and GIS have been focuses in College of Science. Mason Researcher and his team seek New Ways to Fight AIDS Highlight: Department:

3 Combining remote sensing, GIS, model-simulation, ground measurement, and expert knowledge to meet the needs for global and regional environment and climate change and their impact studies. Ground observation Environment and ecology Land use/cover Climate monitoring Remote sensing Model simulation

4 Science: Global and regional environmental monitoring Global and regional climate monitoring Climate change effects and impacts assessment Technology: Cross-sensor comparison/validation/calibration Measurement continuity Climate data records

5 Remote Sensing Products of ESTC/EastFIRE Lab Soil Moisture Drought Indexes Sand and Dust Storm True Color Images Vegetation Indices Vegetation Moisture Fuel Temperature Fuel Load Fuel Moisture Active Fire Location Thermal Anomaly Fire Danger Burned Area Air Quality (smoke and pollution) Biomass Phenology

6 Water deficit index trapezoid combining RS VI index and The thermal data (from Susan Ustin) Cw R 1640nm -R 2130nm θ: soil moisture; Cw: leaf water content Wang, Lingli and John J. Qu, 2007, NMDI: A Normalized Multi-band Drought Index for Monitoring Soil and Vegetation Moisture with Satellite Remote Sensing. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L20405. ( DOI:10.1029/2007GL031021 ).

7 Red dawn: The Sydney Opera House at sunrise on 09/23/2009, top, as a red sand and dust strom shrouded the city, and, bottom, how the iconic venue normally looks (09/23/2009) Caused by climate change ??? Impact assessment of agrometeorology ???

8 Proposed Normalized difference dust index (NDDI) for remotely sensing dust storms (Qu et al., 2006, IEEE)

9 Global and regional environmental monitoring

10 Designed a drought index NMDI (normalized multi-band drought index) for drought, wildland fire monitoring (Wang, L.and J. Qu., 2007, GRL) Aug, 2003 Sep, 2003 Aug, 2004Sep, 2004 (Wang et al., 2008, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology)

11 Climate change effects and impacts assessment

12 Proposed an assessment algorithm to identify hurricane caused forest damage (Wang W. and Qu. J, 2010 )

13 Monitoring SM-RMAS (Soil Moisture- Remotely Monitoring and Analysis is a near real time operational system including: (1) satellite remote sensing data processing sub-system, (2) ground measurement database; (3), SM computing sub-system, (4) SM prediction sub-system, and (5) SM analysis and DSS sub-system (1, 2 and 3 in progress and 4 and 5 future plan).

14 It is a new challenge to bridge satellite remote sensing and CAgM. We need to integrate satellite RS, GIS, model simulations, ground measurements and Decision Support System for supporting CAgM. GMU will strongly support CAgM/WMO research and training activities. ESTC web page: http://estc.gmu.edu EastFIRE Lab:


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