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Real-Time Computer Graphics. Introduction Aims The aim of the module is to provide a good grounding in the main techniques and algorithms of real-time.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time Computer Graphics. Introduction Aims The aim of the module is to provide a good grounding in the main techniques and algorithms of real-time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time Computer Graphics

2 Introduction Aims The aim of the module is to provide a good grounding in the main techniques and algorithms of real-time computer graphics

3 Introduction Knowledge and Understanding of: Computer Graphics display systems Components in the real-time graphics pipeline Methods of real-time animation

4 Introduction Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, you should be able to demonstrate: Design 3D graphics programs for real-time graphics Describe the algorithms and techniques involved in 3D graphics Implement 2D and 3D graphics programs in C/C++ using the OpenGL API Implement simple collision detection/response algorithms Use the mathematical techniques of vectors and matrices

5 Examples Toy Soldiers (nVidia) Notre Dame Cathedral (Digitalo)

6 Content Mathematics Vectors, Matrices, Axis Definition, Trigonometry, Graphics equations Algorithms A review of raster graphics algorithms Polygon fill, texture mapping, anti-aliasing, Gouraud and Phong Shading Transformation and Projections, Clipping, Hidden-surface removal Polygon culling Graphics pipeline and the OpenGL API Real-time animation and interaction Techniques Storing meshes and loading models Lens flare, Transparency, shadows, Environment mapping Collision detection

7 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Shapes” by Nate Robins

8 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Projection” by Nate Robins

9 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Transformation” by Nate Robins

10 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Light & Material” by Nate Robins

11 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Light Positioning” by Nate Robins

12 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Texture” by Nate Robins

13 OpenGL - A brief review Tutorial software “Fog” by Nate Robins Depth Cues and Fog

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