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Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk Electronics for PARIS Searching for optimum solution Piotr Bednarczyk.

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1 Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk Electronics for PARIS Searching for optimum solution Piotr Bednarczyk

2 Outline PARIS Anc. detector –RFD if time (and audience) permits…

3 PARIS design goals: 2 shells Design and build high efficiency detector consisting of 2 shells for medium resolution spectroscopy and calorimetry of  rays in large energy range. LaBr 3 (Ce) PMTs or APDs Inner sphere, highly granular, will be made of new crystals LaBr 3 (Ce), rather short (up to 2-4 inches). The readout might be performed with PMTs or APDs. Inner-sphere multiplicity filter high resolution 10 MeV 3%  t<1ns Inner-sphere will be used as a multiplicity filter of high resolution, sum- energy detector (calorimeter) and detector for the gamma-transition up 10 MeV with medium energy resolution (better than 3%). It will serve also for fast timing application (  t<1ns). Outer sphere Outer sphere, with lower granularity but with high volume detectors, rather long( at least 5 inches), could be made from conventional crystals (BaF 2 or CsI), or using existing detectors (Chateau de Crystal or HECTOR). The outer-sphere will measure high-energy photons or serve as an active shield for the inner one.

4 Compatibility with other devices is key + NEDA,HYDE, RFD etc……

5 Basic requirements for the PARIS electronics Serve 200-1000 detector channels (energy and time per channel) Deal with fast signals of LaBr 3 : risetime <1ns, decaytime ~20 ns Stand rates up to 100 kHz per channel Perform pulse shape analysis for neutron and gamma discrimination (?) and for disentanglement of overlapping signals from phoswitch detectors Keep time resolution better than 1 ns, for TOF purposes Measure energies up to ~50 MeV with 3% resolution. Trigger less readout with timestamping Provide a gamma time relative to an external signal and a gamma energy (or series of energies if from phoswich) with a corresponding timestamp

6 GAMMA-TELESCOPE GAMMA-TELESCOPE LaBr3 (2”x2”) CsI or BaF2 (2”x6”) PMT E1 t1 t2 E2 CsI or BaF2 (2”x6”) APD PMT E1 t1 t2 E2 CsI(NaI) (2”x6”) PMT E1,E2 LaBr3 (2”x2”) LaBr3 (2”x2”) I II III T1,T2

7 CAEN V1751 1 or 2 GHz digitizer TNT2 x4 (2.5 ns sampling) Phoswich tests in Strabourg O.Dorvaux, D.Lebhertz, C.Finck, et al LaBr 3 NaI

8 Possible solutions for the PARIS FE A hybrid consisted of analog and digital electronics for time and energy determination respectively Fully digital electronics with the fastest possible flash ADC (3-8Gsample, 8 bit ?) Milano solution: a card consisted of a first analog stage used to shape a LaBr 3 signal and a consecutive digital part (100MHz sampling frequency) that is used to extract both energy and time (sub ns precision)

9 Krakow-GANIL collaboration on a common digitizer for SPIRAL2 Krakow, April 8, 2009 Integration of the AGATA GTS functionality with GANIL NUMEOX2 (VIRTEX)

10 AGAVA Description VME/VXI carrier board for the GTS MAGAVA Interface is a 1-unit wide A32D32 type VME/VXI slave module. It is also the carrier board for the GTS (Global Trigger and Synchronization) mezzanine card used in the AGATA experiment for the global clock and time stamp distribution. merge The main task of the AGAVA is to merge the triggerless time stamp-based system with an acquisition system using trigger, based on the VME or VXI Exogam-like environment. It can also connect systems based on the triggers with the VME Metronome and Shark_link systems. The logic and tasks are controlled by the FPGA Virtex II Pro.

11 Example of merging ancillaries to AGATA DAQ through AGATA VME ADAPTER Event Builder PSA Ancillary Merge LLP Digitizer Tracking Data analysis GTS tr. DATA Clock counter Event Number Ancillary Analogue FEE AGAVA GTS supervisoSr prompt trigger <500ns Ancillary VME Ancillary readout GTS tr. Req. Trig- Val/Rej Req. Pre-processing Slow control: Kmax, Labview, Midas, etc. VME processor, DSP software NARVAL producer: filtering, kinematics reconstr. USER provided:


13 Block Diagram of NUMEXO2 Power FPGA Virtex 5 8 Fast ADCs 14 bits, 100MHz GTS mezzanine START/STOP Inspections Ethernet Slow Control Optical Link (ADONIS) Ethernet Gbit

14 ADC Logic - FADC samples collection - Digital Processing - Trigger - Data formatting - Inspection control PPC Common Logic GTS Fanin ADC Logic Interface Clocks (Local & Recovered) Delay Line Optical Link Flash (Linux) SRAM (Oscilloscope) PROM (VHDL) PROM (VHDL) DPRAM (Physics, ADONIS) Ethernet 100 Ethernet Gigabit PCIe (Adonis) FADC DACs (Test, control, inspection) MGT Clocks Fast serial links Parallel links Slow control Serial link SDRAM Serial link Mux GTS functions embedded in the Virtex 5 of NUMEOX2

15 The ancillary detector : Recoil Filter Detector LNL-02.07.08 Installation at GASP 2008 Experiments 2009 ToF+  (  - HI ) =V

16 Improvement of  -spectra by a coincident recoil detection (with RFD) 92 MeV 16 O + 0.4 mg/cm 2 208 Pb Heavy systems: fission background reduction fission background reduction low cross sections  0.1 mbarn low cross sections  0.1 mbarn 68 MeV 18 O + 0.8 mg/cm 2 30 Si Large recoil velocity: reduction of the Doppler broadening reduction of the Doppler broadening  rec ~3%

17 Estimation of a short lifetime based on the recoil velocity measurement (with RFD) Energy of a  -ray emitted in a target (B) is not sufficiently Doppler corrected A level lifetime can be expressed by number of decays in vacuum (A) relative to a total  -line intensity (A+B)

18 EUROBALL + EUCLIDES Variety of shapes in 69 As At HS (I~20) expected prolate SD,  Low spin prolate triaxial,  GS oblate   (g 9/2 ) 1 (g 9/2 ) 2, I max =49/2 I.Stefanescu et al,. PRC 70 044304 (2004)A.Bruce et al,. PRC 62 027303 (2000) 69 As GASP+RFD  40 fs  ~0.5 GASP + RFD ‘2009 40 Ca( 32 S,3p) 69 As

19 Perspectives fo RFD RFD at intense stable beams :  EXOGAM (GANIL)  GALILEO(GASP)  AGATA RFD may be a good solution for measurements with radioactive beams projectiles do not irradiate any part of the setup, can be transported to a FC distant from the experimental area. detectors are far from the beam-line, are not sensitive to any kind of  radioactivity detectors are far from the beam-line, are not sensitive to any kind of  radioactivity RFD doesn’t need much space, however the distance target-RFD should be adjusted to a particular experiment in order to optimize the projectile/recoil separation and the efficiency RFD doesn’t need much space, however the distance target-RFD should be adjusted to a particular experiment in order to optimize the projectile/recoil separation and the efficiency Possible future modifications replacement of scintillators by ultra fast diamond detectors new (more compact) chamber new (more compact) chamber use of digitalal electonics use of digitalal electonics

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