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First Day of School WELCOME TO 7 TH GRADE.. Supplies  Pencils. Try to get mechanical. You don’t have to sharpen them..5 or.7.  Multicolor Highlighters.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day of School WELCOME TO 7 TH GRADE.. Supplies  Pencils. Try to get mechanical. You don’t have to sharpen them..5 or.7.  Multicolor Highlighters."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day of School WELCOME TO 7 TH GRADE.

2 Supplies  Pencils. Try to get mechanical. You don’t have to sharpen them..5 or.7.  Multicolor Highlighters. Don’t get markers. I or other teachers will take them.  Pens Bic and the cheap ones. Blue or black.  College rule paper. Don’t buy wide rule  Kleenex. I don’t always have them.

3 Schedules  Follow your schedule as it is writing. Do not go up to the counselor and ask to change rooms. If you are having problems get your parents involved.  If you have a double class or a P.E. class that you should not be in, go to the counselor that period. If it’s a double, go to the class the first time, and the second time, go to the counselor.

4 Out of Classroom  You will not be let out to go to the counselors, bookstore, P.E. or any place else.  Bathroom passes are in your planner  Nurse pass is given by me  Don’t ask to go to P.E. at any time.

5 Hand outs  Planners will be handed out. We will be going over pages 55-56 and 59-60 together. Math will cover the rest of the planner.  I will hand out the statement of awareness papers too. Please sign and turn in.  Friday folders are folder I will hand out and it a place to carry papers home on Friday.

6 Rules  No talking when I am talking.  No smart comments while I am teaching  Do your work when it is time to work. No doing the work at home and do nothing in class.  Act appropriate in class. No clowns.  No standing  Do not stand by the door waiting for the bell to ring.

7 Procedures  No running into class. Need to be here on time. We have tardy sweeps.  Have all materials ready to go. If you need a pencil, ask some before we start the class. Don’t ask me once class has started.  Write down what we are going to do in class. You shouldn’t have to ask me what we are doing in class for that day.  If you know what we are doing, you shouldn’t have to wait for me. Just do it. You are not in elementary school any more.  Work the whole period.

8 Electronics  Relates to Phones, tablets, Ipod or Ipads.  Watch out We have thieves.  You might be able to use them.  If they go off, turn them off and put them away.  Don’t try using them when you are not suppose to.

9 Where is everything  Bathroom. We have only three minutes in between classes.  Library  Computer rooms.  Where to go up and down. 7 th grade side and 8 th grade side.  Lunch room and what is a la carte.  Music and P.E.  Office  Bookstore

10 Fire Drill  Where to line up. What path to go on.  Where do go to wait.  How to act in line.  What can we do when we come back from the fire drill.  Where to go Where to go  Where to stand Where to stand

11 Evacuation  Where do we go. What is the difference between this and a firedrill.  We will go to the football field.  Map Map

12 Off site evacuation  Where do we go.  Why.  How will parents come get us.  Map Map

13 Outline of the school year  You will be typing your papers in my class. Not all of them but some of them. Be ready.  First quarter will be Narratives  Plot and all of its components.  Second quarter will be Argumentative.  Main idea and inferences  Third quarter will be Information

14 Website   Why is this important  No extra time for missing work

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