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Tower Theatre Survey Maximum 100 people can complete 85 started survey 63 completed it (74%) Survey closed 25 th September.

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Presentation on theme: "Tower Theatre Survey Maximum 100 people can complete 85 started survey 63 completed it (74%) Survey closed 25 th September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tower Theatre Survey Maximum 100 people can complete 85 started survey 63 completed it (74%) Survey closed 25 th September

2 Who completed it People who completed the questionnaire were, by their own description: 54% Acting 20% Technical 14% Technical (Friend) 10% Production 40% of those surveyed have been involved in between 1-5 shows over the past 2 years

3 I would like to learn more about… Vocal coaching 54.2% Acting 53% Directing48% Character development 44% Shakespeare 41% Stage combat33% Lighting design26% Business management26%

4 Cont… Costume design25% Stage make up/effects25% Set design24% Sound design20% Production21% Set construction18% Sound operation18% Publicity15% Fundraising14%

5 The Tower should offer workshops in the following 82.1%One off workshops on technical or acting subjects 64%multi level workshops 61%chances to shadow experienced technical personnel

6 Would this make a difference to you getting involved in shows? More likely31.8% Somewhat more likely15.2% Unsure 27% Not at all12% Unlikely 7% Very likely 6%

7 What is the maximum amount of time you would invest in workshops One course (3 classes on one subject)62.7% One class (3 hours)28.4% One time shadowing4.5% No training at all4.5%

8 What would you pay? £15 for materials/space and trainer33.3% £20 materials/space/trainer and admin27.5% £1017.4% More than £2013% £5 5.8% Nothing 2.9%

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