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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Barbara J. Ryan Director, WMO Space Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Barbara J. Ryan Director, WMO Space Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Barbara J. Ryan Director, WMO Space Programme Progress Report on Development of a Space- based Architecture for Climate Monitoring CM-11, Item 6

2 WMO OMM Motivation Policy framework in place (UNFCCC, IPCC reports) -- expectations are high Emerging national and international efforts for climate services will bring additional demands Space-agency investments have been considerable, and need to be leveraged There are still observational gaps and risks of gaps Contingency measures exist for weather observations -- still relatively lacking for climate observations Greater coordination is needed in a resource-constrained environment Long-term and sustained observations will require additional resources

3 WMO OMM Space-based Global Observing System Schematic Modified from GEO Secretariat

4 WMO OMM Satellite Missions in the Vision for the GOS in 2025 Transition from R&D to operational status GEO: imager, HS IR sounder, lightning Sun-synchronous: imager, IR/MW sounders Ocean surface topography constellation Radio-Occultation Sounding constellation Ocean Surface Wind constellation Global Precipitation constellation Earth Radiation Budget (incl. GEO) Atmospheric Composition (incl. GEO) Ocean colour and vegetation imaging Dual-angle view IR imagery Synthetic Aperture Radar Land Surface Imaging Space Weather VIS/IR imagers in HEO Doppler wind LIDAR, Low-frequency MW GEO MW GEO High-resolution narrow-band imagers Gravimetric sensors Heritage operational missions Operational pathfinders and demonstrators

5 WMO OMM GCOS require ments Other require ments (e.g. GFCS) Requirements and gap analysis ECV related climate products and climate analysis Climate data and products management and access User uptake and feedback Transition planning Research/Demo missions planning & implementation Instruments Satellites Calibration FCDR Orbits Operational missions planning and implementation Instruments Satellites Calibration FCDR Orbits Climate System Monitoring Climate prediction and services UNFCCC and IPCC reports Building Blocks for an Architecture Requirements Observational Capabilities Product Generation Activities User Interfaces Drivers

6 WMO OMM Great Advances in Global and Regional Weather Forecasts

7 WMO OMM And will the end-to-end system exist to generate the measurements for a climate analog? Anomaly correlation of seasonal forecasts? Correlation of sea-level rise? ? Will There be a Climate Analog?

8 WMO OMM CM-11 is Invited to: Note development of an initial WMO concept document (v.1.1) for an architecture for climate monitoring from space Note progress on collaborative efforts to prepare a report describing a coordinated strategy for an architecture for climate monitoring from space Review draft Resolution (3.7/1) for consideration by the Sixteenth Session of the WMO Congress (Cg-XVI)

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