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A short summary of IVIS2013, the 11 th Int. Vacuum Insulation Symposium with a guess on the market for the annex 65 subtask 4 including aerogel numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "A short summary of IVIS2013, the 11 th Int. Vacuum Insulation Symposium with a guess on the market for the annex 65 subtask 4 including aerogel numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 A short summary of IVIS2013, the 11 th Int. Vacuum Insulation Symposium with a guess on the market for the annex 65 subtask 4 including aerogel numbers Samuel Brunner, Empa Empa, Laboratory for Building Science and Technology

2 A summary of IVIS2013 The biannual Symposium is dedicated to the Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP / PIV Panneaux Isolants sous Vide) Presentations addressed main applications, recent and ongoing research. relative market share in Europe of VIPs: 60 % in refrigerators, 30% for transport boxes 10% to be used in buildings* * Most publications/public discussion is on the application in buildings, while actual energy saving effects related to VIP are mainly in the freezers an refrigerators. 2 Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa By the way, my expectation is that a future IVIS in 2017 will or shall be in France, related to the impressive ongoing activities and the IEA EBC Annex65 coordination by Daniel Quénard. * Most publications/public discussion is on the application in buildings, while actual energy saving effects related to VIP are mainly in the freezers an refrigerators.

3 IVIS2013 From Keynote presenter Yusuf Yusufoglu, Arcelik: sector refrigerators and freezers 1440 mio € in 2012 assumed sales of VIP in Europe, with a rise to 2100 mio € expected sales in 2015 related to rising selling of Energy Level A+++ and A++ Refrigerator&Freezers Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa3 * Discussion on the application in buildings is good, but discussion on aging is more relevant to the freezers an refrigerators, where one side of the VIP is at ambient. ( regarding total energy savings over the time of use Energy labeling is based on initial performance, other than in the official declarations for the building sector ) I trust this numbers more than the last Lux research repost, But the next one likely get good, as Luxresearch has given an award to Hanita and Hanita is the best source on market information to my guess.

4 A summary of IVIS2013 In Asia: VIP with glass-fiber cores are used in R&F, and some have started to use of special version* also on buildings Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa4 * Discussion on their aging will be going on in the IEA EBC Annex65 context. E.g. recent papers of Xiaobo Di et al. Next IVIS in 2015 will be in China, With this it goes first time to Asia Activities in Korea Visible from papers /less on IVIS

5 A guess on the VIP World Market The total global market for vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) is estimated as >20M in m 2 The main VIP producers are in Japan, China and Germany. There are also interesting activities to my impression in Korea and Belgium ongoing. As geographical information I could collect within the IVIS-network the values More than 65% is produced in Asia More than 20% is produced in Europe Less than 10% is produced in the USA And from IVIS2013 I have already for Europe the market segments 60% for sector refrigerators and freezers … Regarding the world market, it makes also sense to distinguished two main types of VIPs : Types with Al foil containing envelopes and types with only metallized gas barriers. The answers, that I could collect from my network "CARG is guessed to 25 or 30 % for 2009 to 2014" Grenoble 11.9.2014.S Brunner, Empa5 Metallized VIPs Asia50% Europe80% USA50%

6 view on the Aerogel World Market Nowadays the world aerogel market is according to the BCC report 2013 $ 137.5 million (in 2012). The thermal and acoustic insulation sector accounted for 82.3% of all revenues in 2012 and the sales of aerogels for this sector were generated primarily by their utilization in industrial insulation. Regarding the shape of the aerogels “sheets, blankets and rolls” dominate with 123 Mio$. In 2012 industrial thermal insulation was 102.2 Mio$ and with a forecasted compound annual growth rates CAGR 20%, while thermal insulation of residential buildings 7.6 Mio$ CAGR 7.9%, and thermal insulation of commercial buildings 3.2 Mio% with CAGR 4.6%. Grenoble 11.9.2014.S Brunner, Empa6

7 A summary of IVIS2013 An attempt to summarize the scientific part …. difficult. More submitted abstracts, 32 oral presentations and an increase to 20 posters Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa7 (own work and collaboration has an influence on what is seen as new and what is considered relevant)

8 A summary of IVIS2013 Keynote speaker Heinemann Kämpfen, Benvenuti and from VIP producers Eschenbach and Jung Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa 8

9 A summary of IVIS2013 Relevant to me is, that the table below is with IVIS2013 publicly show to an English speaking audience (and so clearly citable, and soon from a reviewed journal) Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa9 Out of B. Yrieix*, E. Pons, D. Quenard, C. Pompéo Interactions between barrier envelopes and core material for the prediction of the VIP service life In my field of expertise, the duability It is easier to do a selection what is relevant with the table given here.

10 FROM FORMER IVIS2007 Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa 10 25-year-extrapolation (from 2007): – Cold and dry environment: Δλ < 0.5  10 -3 W/(m K) – Roof (Façade?) applications: Δλ → 3  10 -3 W/(m K) 2013 roof data: Paper: Brunner&GhaziWakili, Vacuum, 2014:100:4–6

11 Moisture influence on λ * with actual thickness 6.8 mW/m K, a similar value like on the real application in Brunner&GhaziWakili2013 after 8 years. no hint for a thickness change. A potential change in thickness can only be much smaller. Nominal thickness 20mm is the near the core thickness, while the measured thickness with wrinkles in laminate got used in the Swiss declaration context. Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa11 VIP stored at 23°C 80% r.h. over 10 years showed with lambda_cop of 6.8 mW/m K similar value like on the real application in Brunner&Ghazi Wakili2013. At 23°C 33% over 10 years the measured increase on delta_lambda is much smaller. (Brunner Samuel, not yet published data VIP stored over 10 years since 2003 at VIP with Laminate MF3 VIP with Laminate MF4 from Annex39 lambda_cop with nominal thickness λ lambda_cop with nominal thickness λΔλ Internal pressure Moisture content [mW/m K ] mbar m-% 23°C 80% r.h. 6.1*2 23 mbar 6.12.2 18.5 3.1% 23°C 33% r.h. 5.21.1 Ca. 1.8% 4.50.6 6 0.6% Initial4.1-3.9- laminate no longer sold MF1 in Simmer&Brunner2005 Brunner&Simmler2008 L2 with 30nm nominal, but measured 55 nm in Surf. Coat Techn.2006 Surf. Coat Techn.2008 MF2 in Simmer&Brunner2005 Brunner&Simmler2008 L1 with 100 nm nominal in Surf. Coat Techn.2006 Surf. Coat Techn.2008 not before published data from Empa

12 A summary of IVIS2013 webpage with PDF of some of the presentations and now with the IVIS2013 proceedings (13 MB !) of some of the presentationsthe IVIS2013 proceedings At “Energy and Buildings” the selection of 10 full papers is in few days online (most are already online, only the page number is not yet fixed) Grenoble 11.9.2014.S Brunner, Empa12

13 end Lyon 3.4.2014.S Brunner, Empa13

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