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Data Collection on RCA End-Users RCARO Temp Staff Programme 2008 By H.M.N.R. Bandara Atomic Energy Authority, Sri Lanka.

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1 Data Collection on RCA End-Users RCARO Temp Staff Programme 2008 By H.M.N.R. Bandara Atomic Energy Authority, Sri Lanka

2 Contents Introduction to RCA and RCARO SWOT Analysis on RCARO Background of the Assignment What is a Database and RCARO DB My Contribution to the Database Current Status of the Database Lessons learnt from Assignment Recommendations and Conclusions

3 Introduction The RCA is an intergovernmental agreement for East Asia & Pacific Region to promote and co-ordinate co-operative R&D and training projects in nuclear science and technology.

4 Establishment of RCARO RCA Regional Office (RCARO) was declared open at the Nuclear Training Centre Building of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in Daejeon, Korea on 27 March 2002

5 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Mandate of RCARO 1. To increase RCA visibility Increasing the RCA awareness 2. To promote RCA viability Promoting RCA partnership 3. Other Directives made by MSs

6 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA SWOT Analysis on RCARO SStrengths WWeaknesses OOpportunities TThreats Internal Environment External Environment

7 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Strengths Acceptance of the Members States Earning Recognition as a Partner of Development of RCA Excellent and attractive working environment Harmony among staff and behave as a family Capable staff who have been trained and qualified in various disciplines Up-to-date infrastructures Reputation among the Member States, IAEA and other respective national and international organizations. Well motivated and dedicative staff towards its goal accomplishment Favorable access to distribution networks. All employees are keen on advancing their knowledge on the new developments in their respective fields.

8 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Weaknesses Impermanency RCARO is not in a position to release employees in fulltime for their higher education as employees are on contract or casual basis.

9 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Opportunities Enjoy with Government Support Enjoy with the support received from Member States Cooperation received from IAEA and other respective international institutes. Knowledge sharing with employees who come to RCARO from Members States with various disciplines under its Temporary Staff Programme. Added importance by IAEA, Member States and other respective institutions

10 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Threats The cooperation received from National Representatives is not satisfactory Unawareness and unpopularity of the RCA business among general public of the Members States The assistance received from Member States is behind the expected level due to the rules and regulations imposed by the Governments of respective Members States.

11 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Commencement of Temp Staff Programme 2004 Purpose of Temp Staff Programme. - Enhancing the RCA awareness - Promotion of RCA partnerships - To maintain the honor and the integrity of the cooperative value of the RCA. 2 Background of the Assignment Mandate of RCARO

12 # NameMSOrgDuration of the Tenure 1 Mr. H.G.P. KarunaratneSRLAEA22 May 2004 - 21 Sep 2004 2 Ms. Ros Intan PurbasariINSBATAN23 May 2004 - 22 Sep 2004 3 Ms. Le Thi Phu VanVIEVAEC01 Jul 2005 - 30 Sep 2005 4 Mr. Kabir HossainBGLBAEA01 Jul 2005 - 27 Oct 2005 5 Ms. Champa DissanayakeSRLAEA02 Aug 2006 - 01 Nov 2006 6 Mr. Efren MariaPHIPNRI18 Sep 2006 - 17 Mar 2007 7 Ms. Kanchalika DechatesTHATINT02 Nov 2006 - 01 Feb 2007 8 Ms. Grace CarlosPHIPNRI01 May 2007 - 31 Oct 2007 9 Ms. Thi Yen Ninh NguyenVIEVAEA22 Aug 2007 - 21 Nov 2007 10 Mr. Ali ArmanINSBATAN15 Nov 2007 - 14 May 2008 11 Ms. Vu Thi LieuVIEVAEC14 Jul 2008 - 13 Oct 2008 12 Mr. H.M.N.R. BandaraSRLAEA16 Sep 2008 - 14 Dec 2008 13 Mr. Ali Arman (2 nd Term)INSBATAN16 Sep 2008 - 30 Dec 2008 Details of RCARO Temporary Staff

13 Brief Description on performance of Past Temp Staff Members #NamePerformance 1 Mr. Karunaratne and Ms. Ros Intan Purbasari Survey On Radiation Technology Application in RCA Member States 2 Mr. Kabir HossainSurvey on the Medical Applications of Radiation Technologies in the Member States 3 Ms. Le Thi Phu VanSurvey on the Agriculture Applications of Radiation Technologies in the RCA Member States 4 Ms. Champa Dissanayake Study on the Enhancement of Viability of RCA 5 Mr. Efren Maria Support on the Implementation of the RCA-UNDP project Mitigation of Coastal Impact of Natural Disaster 6 Ms. Kanchalika DechatesAssisting to the RCARO to develop RCA Success Stories 7 Ms. Grace CarlosThe 2004 Tsunami Event 8 Ms. Thi Yen Ninh NguyenStudy on current status of nuclear science and technology development and application in RCARO’s Member States 9 Mr. Ali ArmanThe 2004 Tsunami Event Project 10 Ms. Vu Thi LieuData collection of End-users on Environment and Industry

14 RCARO Database (DB)  Based on the RCARO Work Plan for 2007 and 2008 and to fulfill the RCARO Mandate  Collection of Data on RCA End-users, potential End-users 1. To increase RCA visibility ( Increasing the RCA Awareness) 2. To promote RCA viability ( Promoting RCA Partnership)  Potential target conferences which the RCA can consider priority in the RCA’s participation

15 What is a Database & the importance of a DB  A database is simply a method of storing information.  It is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system so as to manipulate them in accordance with the relational model of data.  It should be in a position of easy access, management and update.  Database is the most convenient, sophisticated and quick system that can be used for searching information on a required field or a subject.

16 What is an End-user An end-user is any individual, entity or the like, that is to be the ultimate consumer of the title material. The end user is the individual who uses the product or service after it has been fully developed and distributed. RCA end-user will be any individual, organization or any entity that uses the RCA benefits for their ultimate consumption or purpose.

17 RCA Stake Holders ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA RCA Stakeholder can be a person, group, organization, or system who affects or can be affected by the RCA activities. Followings can be introduced as RCA Stakeholders. National RCA Representatives Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators Project Lead Country Coordinators National Project Coordinators Project Teams Regional Resource Units

18 Classification of data There are two types of data Primary Data Data collected by survey, questionnaire, interview etc. Secondary Data Already available data which have been collected for some specific purpose

19 Sources of data collection for RCARO DB Secondary data searched through following websites were used IAEA website (Meeting Proceedings) Lists of Participants of the meetings of Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Lists of Participants of BAQ (Better Air Quality) Meetings Other Respective Websites searched through Google Search Engine.

20 Description of Fields of RCARO DB FieldDescription NameName of Stake Holder, End-User etc. CategoryStake Holder, End-User, Partnership, International Conference CountryName of the Member States or other respective countries Field Thematic Sectors, Agriculture, Health, Industrial, Environment, Eng, Research Reactor, Radiation Safety OrganizationName of the Organization where He/She permanently works PositionThe capacity of the position He/She holds in his or her Organization TelTelephone numbers of the end-user FaxFax numbers of the end-user EmailE-mail addresses of the end-user AddressAddress of the Organization where the member is working NoteSpecial remarks, the sources of data, date etc

21 Importance of RCARO DB To increase the publicity of the RCA To enhance the Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) Activities. To strengthen the RCA activities among the members status and other interested people

22 Information Package to the End-users Introductory Letter indicating RCARO Website Include publications of RCARO including RCA brochures and success stories Technical Papers produced by RCA Projects

23 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Contribution made by the Past Temp Staff to the RCARO Database Name of Temp. Staff Duration of the Tenure Thematic sectorNumber of Data colleted Ms. Le Thi PhuVan 01 Jul 2005 - 30 Sep 2005 Agriculture47 Mr. Kabir Hossain 01 Jul 2005 - 27 Oct 2005 Health126 Ms. Vu Thi Lieu 14 Jul 2008 - 13 Oct 2008 Environment and Industry 449 Total01 Jul 2005 27 Nov 2008 622

24 How collect data by Recent Past Temp Staff Member Ms. Lieu Mr. Lieu has collect data on stakeholders and end- users in Industrial and Environmental fields of RCA projects in RCA MSs With the assistance of NPCs From lists of participants of RCA Meeting/ Training Course on above fields for 2007- 2008 cycle obtained from her colleagues. Searching through websites (Websites of RCA, RCA MSs etc )

25 My Contribution to the DB Date of Assignment : 14 September 2008 Assignment: To collect data on end-users through lists of participants of IAEA, Non-IAEA meetings

26 Data collected on IAEA Meetings YearNo of Meetings held Meetings contained proceedings Participants of meetingsRCA Related Meetings No of Participants 2001112 804, 1893 993 2002115 326, 224, 118, 260, 2455 1173 2003145 755, 455, 346, 221, 1539 1930 2004215 60, 12, 12, 268, 213, 603 625 20052311 288, 284, 276, 175, 288, 36, 286, 41, 64, 220, 285 3 2243 2006235 215, 146, 477, 292, 138 1143 2007314 201, 162, 227, 3503 940 Total 2001-2007 1343734 9047

27 IAEA Meetings Criteria for relation to RCA Projects Technical Topics with respect to the RCA Projects - Non-Power Production The Regional Context (Asia and the Pacific) - If the meeting is held in the Asia region presume that it is as RCA

28 Description of End-users according to the sources of collection Number of end-users from IAEA Meetings455 Number of end-users from meetings of Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) 102 Better Air Quality Meeting 200462 Number of End-users from other Meetings55 Total674

29 How Collect Data Lists of participants in proceedings of IAEA meetings Lists of Participants of PEMSEA meetings Lists of Participants of BAQ Workshops Lists of participants of meetings held related to Nuclear Science Technology (Environment, Agricultures etc) traced through the web sites searched by using Google search engine)

30 Issues on Data Collection  Time consuming  Poor Response from contacted personnel  Non-availability of contact points of some end-users  Inability of presuming the thematic sector of the end-users  Only name is available and cannot identify the status; Prof, Dr. Mr. Mrs. etc.  Non available of organization where he/she works  Some lists of participants are restricted of copy and paste  Difficulty of approaching success as expected

31 Final Summery of Data Collection Classification of Meetings No of Meetings RCA MeetingsNon-RCA Meetings No of RCA End-users listed No of Participants Searched IAEA 13434100359047 Non- IAEA PEMSEA 11 11087101 BAQ 01 0105862 Others -0054 Total146461809264

32 ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY, SRI LANKA Current status of the RCARO Database as of 27 October 2008 Name of Temp. Staff Duration of the Tenure Thematic sectorNumber of Data colleted Ms. Le Thi PhuVan 01 Jul 2005 - 30 Sep 2005 Agriculture47 Mr. Kabir Hossain 01 Jul 2005 - 27 Oct 2005 Health126 Ms. Vu Thi Lieu14 Jul 2008 - 13 Oct 2008 Environment and Industry449 Mr. H. M. N. R. Bandara 16 Sep 2008 - 14 Dec 2008 All180 Total802

33 Lessons Learned from the Assignment Understanding about the operation of RCARO for the enhancement of RCA Acquired an experience how to search details related to RCA business from websites Understood important meetings and congresses relevant to RCA activities Acquired a good knowledge regarding the importance websites for RCA

34 Recommendations Once the temporary staff were selected they should be informed in well advance of the nature of assignment to be done by them at RCARO so that they can come with well preparation. RCARO should have a annual plan on activities to be assigned to its Temp Staff To arrange an orientation meeting with temporary staff preferably during the first week of his or her attachment at RCARO. To use a one column instead of separate three columns to enter contact details; Tel, Fax and E- mail in order to give a good view to the database.

35 Recommendations ( Contd..) It is better for the RCARO to invite next staff member before current staff member leaves the RCARO so that the current staff member can brief his or her successor on how she or he should continue work at RCARO. The scope of the database should be predetermined in order to avoid the unnecessary composition of irrelevant data into database. This will protect the quality of the database.

36 Thank you for your Attention

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