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APEC Telecommunications & Information Working Group Best Practices for Implementing the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper Bill Scott Director, Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "APEC Telecommunications & Information Working Group Best Practices for Implementing the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper Bill Scott Director, Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEC Telecommunications & Information Working Group Best Practices for Implementing the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper Bill Scott Director, Trade Policy

2 background

3 March 2002 (TEL25) – Proposal was submitted to assist TEL members to strengthen members common understanding of the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications, including the Reference Paper. TEL established a drafting committee (Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and United States) to develop the Best Practices for Implementing the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper The draft guide was discussed at TEL 30 (September 2004). Final guide to be presented to APEC Telecommunications Ministers for endorsement mid-2005.

4 Objective

5 Provide APEC member economies with a better understanding of the commitments made in the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper by: Providing real world examples to illustrate the meaning and principles contained in the paper; and Showcase best practices in implementing the commitments made in the reference paper to guide effective implementation.

6 Guide Format

7 Outline Introduction Chapter 1 – Definitions Chapter 2 – Competitive Safeguards Chapter 3 – Interconnection Chapter 4 – Universal Service Chapter 5 – Licensing Criteria Chapter 6 – Independent Regulators Chapter 7 – Allocation and Use of Scarce Resources Appendix


9 Example - Interconnection




13 Example – Universal Service




17 Example – Independent Regulation





22 Other APEC Trade Initiatives

23 Trade Projects Best Practices for Regional Trade Agreements & Free Trade Agreements (APEC wide) Progress Towards Implementing the WTO Telecommunications Reference Paper (APEC TEL)

24 Thank you

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