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Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (2014-2018) October 2014 KIM Lumang Bopata Policy Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (2014-2018) October 2014 KIM Lumang Bopata Policy Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (2014-2018) October 2014 KIM Lumang Bopata Policy Department

2 A turning point of development cooperation Global level – A fast-track changing of Global commitments and environment (development finance trends, trade & regional integration) over the last decade Busan: 2011 was a critical year for international development cooperation –Progress toward more effective aid (Rome, PD and Accra) was disappointing –MDG deadline 2015: urgency Shifting thinking about development –Aid alone is not enough – a catalyst of growth –Increasingly complex development modalities: actors, country contexts, new forms – Inclusive development partnerships –Unfinished agenda of aid effectiveness Ownership of development priorities by developing countries Focus on results Transparency and accountability 2

3 Why DCPS? (rational) Strategic Framework on Development Cooperation Management 2006-2010 Changing national context: - Lower MIC status - RSIII – inclusive partnership, private sector driven growth - Solid and sustained economic growth 2004-2013 Global development: Inclusive growth Development results Changing of aid architecture DCPS 2014-2018: Promoting development effectiveness – contextualizing global norms and adopting national development context, esp. Busan, PD and AAA, and RSIII: - Effective and sustainable development - Capacity development and systems strengthening - Inclusive partnership 5 analytical papers: -SWOT analysis of development cooperation and partnerships -Partnership and dialogue arrangements -ODA as a complement to private sector development -Development cooperation trends -South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Cambodia 5 analytical papers: -SWOT analysis of development cooperation and partnerships -Partnership and dialogue arrangements -ODA as a complement to private sector development -Development cooperation trends -South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Cambodia Interviews (4 key questions identified in SWOT) -Promoting development effectiveness in the Cambodia context -Partnering and dialogue arrangements -The role for all development actors (private sector, South-South) -Strengthening national capacities and systems Interviews (4 key questions identified in SWOT) -Promoting development effectiveness in the Cambodia context -Partnering and dialogue arrangements -The role for all development actors (private sector, South-South) -Strengthening national capacities and systems Background Analyzed Process Output 3

4 Principles The principles reflects development effectiveness and aid effectiveness commitments: –Leadership –Partnership - Trust and respect –Result - Sustainable and equitable socio-economic development –The principles of the Paris Declaration remain valid - Global norms and agreed practices –Harmonized management and procedures –Capacity development 4

5 Tools for Strategy implementation Program-Based Approach Results Frameworks Joint Monitoring Indicators Resource Transparency – ODA and NGO Database, MYIFF 5

6 Agreed dialogue arrangements 6

7 Institutional Arrangement Organization and Functioning of CDC by Sub-decree 486 dated 14 October 2013 –Institutional arrangements for development cooperation Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for Development of Cambodia as Royal Government’s Focal Point for management, coordination and mobilization of development cooperation CDC serves as the General Secretariat to the Government-Private Sector Forum and will coordinate these meetings in consultation with 9 working groups. Ministry of Planning (MOP) shall prepare and monitor 5-Year Plans – the NSDP – and PIP to guide ODA allocations and alignment. Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) shall prepare the macroeconomic framework and, using inputs from CDC and the PIP on external financing, esp. loan financing. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation shall be the diplomatic window for development cooperation. Line ministries and agencies shall prepare sector PIP, lead the TWGs where relevant and shall actively participate at an appropriately senior level in all TWGs and will lead on JMI identification and monitoring. Royal Government Decision 108 dated 9 June 2014 on Development Cooperation and Partnership Strategy 2014-2018 –Reaffirmed institutional arrangements –Objectives, strategic goals, principles and tools, partnership/dialogue mechanisms, M&E framework 7

8 DCPS Monitoring Framework Overarching goal To ensure that development cooperation resources are used for maximum effectiveness and impact in reaching Cambodia’s development goals. Indicators NSDP monitoring and the sector-level JMIs selected for the five year NSDP period (2014-2018) shall be the focus for determining if effective development has been realized at the output and outcome level. Objective 1 External resources are used to promote effective and sustainable development Indicators 1a) Extent of use country results frameworks by development partners (baseline & target: tbc) 1b) Share of ODA provided through PBAs (baseline: 28%; target 50%) Objective 2 Partnerships focus on capacity development & systems strengthening Indicators 2a) Use of country PFM systems (baseline: 32%; target: 50%) 2b) Use of country procurement systems (baseline: 20%; target: 35%) Objective 3 All development actors are convened in a partnership to promote equitable & broad-based growth Indicators 3a) Aid on-budget (baseline: 79%; target: 90%) & disbursed on schedule (baseline: 91%; target: 95%) 3b) Conducting annual meetings & mutual assessments of progress, incl. JMIs How we know DCPS is implemented? 8

9 Thank You for Your Attention!

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