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Mentorship Preparation and KSF Heather Lyle Care Home Education Facilitator 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentorship Preparation and KSF Heather Lyle Care Home Education Facilitator 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentorship Preparation and KSF Heather Lyle Care Home Education Facilitator 1

2 Knowledge and Skills Framework The NHS use a review process called the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) for development review and appraisal The KSF system was first introduced in NHS Lothian around 2006 after Agenda for Change. Each year NHS Lothian employees must evidence their development against the KSF domains 2

3 Knowledge and Skills Framework 6 core dimensions in KSF – Communication – Personal and People Development – Health, safety and security – Service Improvement – Quality – Equality and diversity 3

4 Mentorship Evidence All your mentorship evidence can be mapped against KSF You can utilise your triennial review evidence for your development review 4

5 Mentorship Preparation Programme 5 learning outcomes to be achieved Explore in detail the application of the theory of learning teaching and assessment within the clinical learning environment 50% theory, 50% practical Portfolio of evidence 5

6 Group Activity Each group to look at a Learning Outcome from the Mentorship Preparation Programme. Identify key words from the outcome and link to the KSF core dimensions See LO1 as example 6

7 MPP Learning Outcome 1 Apply knowledge of learning, teaching and assessment strategies designed to promote and facilitate learning within the practice setting for a range of students, in order to achieve their practice learning requirements 7

8 MPP LO1 Mapping to KSF Key words in LO1 Learning, teaching and assessment Facilitate learning Range of students Practice Learning KSF Core Dimensions Communication Personal and people Development Health, safety and security Service Improvement Quality Equality and diversity 8

9 MPP Learning Outcome 2 Utilise current available evidence to demonstrate knowledge of strategies for supporting pre-registration student nurses and midwives in practice, applying appropriate tools to assess their learning in practice 9

10 MPP LO2 Mapping to KSF Key words in LO2 KSF Core Dimensions Communication Personal and people Development Health, safety and security Service Improvement Quality Equality and diversity 10

11 MPP Learning Outcome 3 Critically reflect on the processes involved in supporting and managing a learner who is failing to meet the NMC proficiencies for registration, developing appropriate strategies to manage this situation 11

12 MPP LO3 Mapping to KSF Key words in LO3 KSF Core Dimensions Communication Personal and people Development Health, safety and security Service Improvement Quality Equality and diversity 12

13 MPP Learning Outcome 4 Interpret evidence based practice relating to mentorship, ensuring that this is identifiable within the mentor’s and students’ individual practice 13

14 MPP LO4 Mapping to KSF Key words in LO4 KSF Core Dimensions Communication Personal and people Development Health, safety and security Service Improvement Quality Equality and diversity 14

15 MPP Learning Outcome 5 Apply appropriate educational and change management knowledge and strategies, to ensure that the learning environment is supportive and effective for all learners, maximising the inter-professional learning opportunities available within the clinical learning environment 15

16 MPP LO5 Mapping to KSF Key words in LO5 KSF Core Dimensions Communication Personal and people Development Health, safety and security Service Improvement Quality Equality and diversity 16

17 Mapping of Mentorship to KSF 17

18 How Mentorship can be used as KSF evidence Quality Maximise individual potential & make reasonable adjustments Diverse range of students Student Assessment Evidence based Practice Guidelines and policies Safe, effective care Poster designed by H Lyle, M McLeod and L Foy, CEDT, Oct 2012, NHS Lothian Safe & effective practice Maintenance of mentor database Placement Audit Assess Risk Facilitation of learning Self development Identify learning needs Reflection Teaching Documentation Constructive feedback Team working Maintain clinical learning environment Develop student resources Identify areas for improvement Health, Safety and Security Quality Personal & People Development Service Improvement Communication Equality and Diversity Mentorship and the Knowledge & Skills Framework (KSF)

19 Mapping of KSF descriptor to MPP (1) KSF Dimension 1 Communication, Level 3 Develop and maintain communication with people about difficult matters and/or in difficult situations Links to LO1, LO2, LO3, 19

20 Evidence submitted (1) “Being a mentor I have to give constructive feedback to students. On one occasion I had to inform a first year student that their competence was not at the level I would expect. This involved getting testimony from others in the nursing team and speaking to the student at length about developing goals for assessing their progression” 20

21 KSF descriptor mapped to MPP (2) KSF Dimension 2, level 2 Develop own skills and knowledge and provide information to other to help their development Links to LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 21

22 Evidence Submitted (2) “In the development of my mentorship portfolio, I read various articles on supporting learners. I learned all about the qualities of a good mentor and how I can utilise the theory of mentorship in my clinical practice. I document the student’s progression in their documentation to allow us to set goals” 22

23 KSF descriptor mapped to MPP (3) KSF Dimension 4 Service Improvement, level 3 Appraise, interpret ad apply suggestions, recommendations and directives to improves services Links to LO2, LO4,LO5 23

24 Evidence submitted (3) “In the mentorship programme I identified areas for development of the learning environment when I carried out a SWOT analysis. I have updated the student portal information and the induction pack for students, so that when students come to this area they have lots of information including relevant policies and guidelines to review” 24

25 Conclusion Mentorship and the Mentorship Preparation programme can be submitted as evidence of application in the personal development process using the KSF framework Mapping the learning outcomes from mentorship preparation to KSF (or vice versa) allows you to collate evidence of personal development from different sources 25

26 Further Application Think about a similar process for NMC revalidation and for mentorship triennial review Apply one piece of evidence to a variety of tools to appraise development 26

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