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Session 11 Table of C/P Development Framework Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 11 Table of C/P Development Framework Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 11 Table of C/P Development Framework Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)

2 Objectives and Content Objective of Session 11: Training participants understand the formulation process of the table of C/P development framework and can prepare it. Content: 1. Presentation: How to fill out the table of C/P development framework 2. Exercise: Table of C/P development framework 3. Sharing and Q&A 1

3 2 Development Framework The objectives of the C/P Development Framework are as follows. Set future state (vision, goals, and objectives) that the C/P would like to achieve within the five-year term of a C/P council; Identify concrete directions and solutions; and Set accomplishment levels, i.e., target indicators.

4 3 Main Tools Problem Analysis Problem Analysis is recommended for logic check on the table of prioritized situational analysis. Solution Analysis Solution Analysis is recommended for formulating the table of C/P development framework because it is conducted based on the Problem Analysis. SWOT Analysis (Optional) Reality check on “Goals” in the table of C/P development framework is recommended if necessary.

5 4 Formulation of the Table of Development Framework Task 1: Conducting Problem Analysis based on the table of prioritized situational analysis [Sub Step 2-1] Task 2: Identification of goals, objectives, and solutions [Sub-Step 2-1] Task 3: Reality Check on Goals[Sub Step 2-1] Task 4: Screening of solutions[Sub Step 2-1] Task 5: Preparation of the Development Goal and Strategy [Sub Step 2-1] Task 6: Preparation of the Vision[Sub Step 2-1] Task 7: Identification of Indicators [Sub Step 2-1] Task 8: Identification of Organizations in charge and data source [Sub Step 2-1]

6 5 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (1) Task 1: Conducting Problem Analysis based on the table of prioritized situational analysis 1. Relevant stakeholder members are divided into four groups considering the main tasks and responsibilities of respective stakeholders. 2. Each group prepares one Problem Tree per problem under the responsible component of the table of prioritized situational analysis. 3. Each group checks whether problems, causes, and sub- causes are linked logically in a causal relationship (Cause- Effect). Note: Illogical causes and sub-causes shall be removed from the concerned Problem Tree.

7 6 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (2) Task 2: Identification of goals, objectives, and solutions 1. Each group converts respective Problem Trees to Solution Trees. Goals, Objectives, and Solutions are converted from Core Problems, Direct Causes, and Sub Causes. 2. Goals, Objectives and Solutions are filled out in the table of C/P development framework following the rules below. Table of Situational Analysis (Problem Analysis) Table of Development Framework (Solution Analysis) Problems (Core Problem)Goals Causes (Direct Cause)Objectives Causes (Sub Cause)Solutions

8 7 Sample Table of C/P Development Framework Vision 1. Economic component Goals & ObjectivesSolutionIndicatorsOrganization in charge Data source Narrative summary Unit2014 (Present) 2019 (Target) Economic development goal Economic development strategy 1. Goal 1: Stagnated tourism business is revitalized. 1.1. Objective 1: The potentiality of existing tourist sites is revitalized. 1.2. Objective 2 1.1.1. Solution 1 1.1.2. Solution 2 1.1. The number of tourists increases from 100,000 to 120,000 by 2019. Person100,000120,000Tourism Dept. Annual report of tourism 2. Goal 2 2.1. Objective 12.1.1. Solution 1

9 8 Technical Terms of C/P Development Framework (1) Technical TermDefinition VisionAn achieved future situation that is realized by the sum of the development goals of four components Development goal An achieved future situation that is realized by the sum of the goals in each component Development strategy The means to achieve objectives by the sum of the solutions in each component Goal and objective A sentence that describes the achieved future result (Goal) and concrete means (objectives) to achieve the future result Note: In the table of C/P development framework, the Goal and objectives are assumed to have a hierarchical relationship (the Goal is the result, and an objective is means).

10 9 Technical Terms of C/P Development Framework (2) Technical TermDefinition SolutionA sentence that describes the activity to achieve the concrete means (Objectives) Note: In the table of C/P development framework, the objective and solutions are assumed to have a hierarchical relationship. (An Objective is the result, and solutions are means.) IndicatorsIndicators show the level of achievement for the goal and objectives. A narrative summary shall include information below. 1) Thing (What) 2) beneficiary (Whom) 3) Quantitative (How much) 4) Qualitative (How good) 5) Deadline (When) 6) Place (Where)

11 10 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (3) Task 3: Reality check on goals (Optional) 1.If goals do not seem viable, each group should check them by the SWOT Analysis to see whether they are realistic. 2. Each group discusses and decides to change or remove these goals based on the result of the SWOT Analysis.

12 11 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (4) Task 4: Screening of solutions 1.Each group checks whether the number of solutions per objective is appropriate. If the number of solutions is considered too many for implementing all of them within five years, try decreasing the number. 2.Before decreasing the number, the appropriate number of solutions per objective is agreed upon. 3.If it is difficult to decrease the number only by discussion, the Scoring Method is recommended. 4.Each group discusses and decides which solutions to remove.

13 12 Sample Table of Scoring Method for Screening Note. Scores should be fixed in vertical direction. After the scoring in each criteria, the result of the scoring should be reviewed. SolutionsLogicTimeFeasibilityImpactTotal Solution A352212 Solution B343111 Solution C335314 Solution D11417 Solution E345214 Solution F333312 Solution G21328 The Score ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).

14 13 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (5) Task 5: Preparation of the Development Goal and Strategy 1.After filling out goals, objectives, and solutions, each group or the PWG prepares the development goal and strategy per component. 2. Each group or the PWG forms one or two brief summary sentences in reference to the goals and objectives under respective components.

15 14 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (6) Task 6: Preparation of the Vision 1.After filling out the development goals and strategies of four components, the PWG prepares the Vision. 2.The Vision describes the desired or intended future situation of the C/P. One or two positive sentences are made in reference to the development goals of four components. 3.All participants review the Vision prepared by the PWG and finalize it.

16 15 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (7) Task 7: Identification of indicators 1. The PWG prepares indicators for each goal and, if possible, objective. 2. Fill out the Narrative Summary, Unit, Present and Target for each goal (and objective) in the table of development framework.

17 16 Formulation Process of the Table of Development Framework (8) Task 8: Identification of organizations in charge and data sources 1. After filling out the indicators, the PWG discusses and fills out the organizations in charge and data sources. Organizations in charge are responsible for submitting and monitoring the data of indicators. Data sources are the source names for collecting the data such as report, survey, and database system.

18 Exercise (1) 1) The same four groups in the previous session work together. 2) Prepare Problem Trees from respective problems in the table of prioritized situational analysis that is made in Session 10 and check the logic of Cause-Effect. 3) Convert respective Problem Trees into Solution Trees. 4) Fill the columns of Goals, Objectives and Solutions in the table of C/P development framework. 17

19 Exercise (2) 5) Check the number of solutions and decrease the number of solutions per objective by the Scoring Method. (Three [3] solutions per objective at most) 6) Prepare the development goal and strategy for responsible components. 7) Fill out the columns of Indicators, Organizations in Charge, and Data Sources. No numerical information is necessary in the columns; they should be filled out in such ways as “X” or “?”. 8) Each group reviews the responsible component of the table of C/P development framework. 18

20 19 Sample Table of Scoring Method for Screening Note. Scores should be fixed in vertical direction. After the scoring in each criteria, the result of the scoring should be reviewed. SolutionsLogicTimeFeasibilityImpactTotal Solution A352212 Solution B343111 Solution C335314 Solution D11417 Solution E345214 Solution F333312 Solution G21328 The Score ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high).

21 20 Thank You

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