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SCRUM Julien Egle Jean Michel Radiskol Jean Charles Salvin.

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Presentation on theme: "SCRUM Julien Egle Jean Michel Radiskol Jean Charles Salvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCRUM Julien Egle Jean Michel Radiskol Jean Charles Salvin

2 Introduction

3 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

4 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

5 SCRUM Origins

6 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

7 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

8 What is SCRUM ?

9 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

10 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

11 How does SCRUM work ?

12 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

13 Contents SCRUM Origins What is SCRUM ? How does SCRUM work ? How and when does it apply? Conclusion / Discussion

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