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© 2009 Research In Motion Limited Advanced Java Application Development for the BlackBerry Smartphone Trainer name Date.

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1 © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Advanced Java Application Development for the BlackBerry Smartphone Trainer name Date

2 © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Agenda In this course, you will cover the following topics: –Introduction to advanced mobile application development for the BlackBerry ® smartphone –Application control for mobile devices –Optimization for mobile application development –Advanced BlackBerry user interface –Introduction to multimedia application development for the BlackBerry smartphone –Understanding push technology

3 © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Agenda In this course, you will cover the following topics: –Understanding client/server push –Introduction to developing Bluetooth ® applications for mobile devices –Developing secure applications

4 Advanced Java Application Development for the BlackBerry Smartphone Objectives: –Describe the methods available to push content to BlackBerry ® smartphones –Describe client/server push versus browser push –Describe RIM push versus PAP push © 2009 Research In Motion Limited RIMResearch In Motion PAPPush Access Protocol

5 © 2009 Research In Motion Limited Push technology

6 –Push applications send web content or other data without the need to request or download the data –Benefits of push technology: Immediacy Efficiency Reduced latency Longer battery life Shorter learning curve © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

7 Push technology Client/server push versus browser push –Browser push applications send web content to the web browser on the BlackBerry smartphone do not require a separate client application © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

8 Push technology Client/server push versus browser push –Client/server push applications send data from a server-side application to a custom client application on the BlackBerry smartphone Requires a custom client application Allows more control over type of content, processing and displaying of content © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

9 Push technology Client/server push versus browser push –BlackBerry MDS Connection Service administration controls the flow of data that is sent to the BlackBerry smartphone Flow control minimizes the amount of data sent over the wireless network Flow control sends five packets of data and waits for a response, If not immediately deliverable, content is queued until flow control timeout is reached © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

10 Browser push © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

11 Browser push Pushing web content to BlackBerry smartphones –Options used in HTTP header for Browser push: Browser channel Browser channel delete Browser message Browser cache © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

12 Browser push Pushing web content to BlackBerry smartphones –Pushing content to a browser channel A Browser channel is an alternative entry point to the BlackBerry Browser Each channel must have a unique ID Each channel can have two icons © 2009 Research In Motion Limited IDidentifier

13 Browser push Pushing web content to BlackBerry smartphones –Two ways to delete a browser channel from the BlackBerry smartphone –The server-side push application can submit a browser channel delete request to delete the browser channel –The user can delete the browser channel manually –Requesting notification when a user deletes a browser channel © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

14 Browser push Pushing web content to BlackBerry smartphones –Pushing content to the messages application Subject of message is either a descriptive title or URL of the associated content Users click the message to access content in the BlackBerry Browser When the message is deleted the pushed content is deleted © 2009 Research In Motion Limited URL Uniform Resource Locator

15 Browser push Pushing web content to BlackBerry smartphones –Pushing content to the browser cache User receives no notification when new content is received New content is automatically displayed the next time the URL is accessed Use together with browser channel and browser message push requests to preload cache with external resources © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

16 Browser push Additional considerations when pushing content to the BlackBerry Browser –Defining cache control properties BlackBerry ® Device Software version determines the default length of time the content remains in the pushed content cache Expired content is cleared from cache even if not viewed Use the Cache-Control or Expires to change the amount of time the content is stored © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

17 Browser push Additional considerations when pushing content to the BlackBerry Browser –Transcoding content The BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can be configured to automatically transcode pushed content Transcoding pushed content changes it into more suitable formats for sending over wireless networks and rendering in the BlackBerry smartphone Push requests can override transcoding rules for the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

18 Browser push Additional considerations when pushing content to the BlackBerry Browser –Transcoding content The BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can be configured to automatically transcode pushed content Transcoding pushed content changes it into more suitable formats for sending over wireless networks and rendering in the BlackBerry smartphone For best results, allow the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to transcode all pushed content © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

19 Browser push Additional considerations when pushing content to the BlackBerry Browser –HTTP headers used by the BlackBerry Browser Include a set of headers to define browser behavior Required in addition to delivery parameters specified in PAP control entity or RIM push headers © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

20 RIM push and PAP push © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

21 RIM push and PAP push –Both the PAP push and RIM push formats support the following features: Reliable push requests Deliver-Before time stamp Deliver-After time stamp © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

22 RIM push and PAP push –Only the PAP push service implementation supports the following features: Push cancellation Push status query –RIM push is a proprietary push format –PAP push format is an open standard © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

23 Summary © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

24 Summary –Push applications send web content or other data to specific BlackBerry smartphones without user request. –RIM push sends content as a byte stream –PAP sends content as an HTTP POST © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

25 Summary –Browser push applications send web content to a web browser on a BlackBerry smartphone and does not require a separate client application –Client/server push applications send data from a server application to a custom client application on a BlackBerry Smartphone © 2009 Research In Motion Limited


27 Legal Disclaimer The following trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Research In Motion are referred to in this presentation: –BlackBerry® © 2009 Research In Motion Limited

28 Legal Disclaimer © 2009 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SurePress™ SureType® and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This documentation is provided "AS IS" and without condition, endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty, or liability of any kind by Research In Motion Limited and its affiliated companies, all of which are expressly disclaimed to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction.

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