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CDM Accreditation Procedure: A Broad Overview John Kilani Chair CDM-AP Joint Workshop for EB and its Panels 21-22 March 2003, Bonn, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "CDM Accreditation Procedure: A Broad Overview John Kilani Chair CDM-AP Joint Workshop for EB and its Panels 21-22 March 2003, Bonn, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDM Accreditation Procedure: A Broad Overview John Kilani Chair CDM-AP Joint Workshop for EB and its Panels 21-22 March 2003, Bonn, Germany

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3 4 Designation of an operational entity Ex/AExEBCOP/MOPOEx 2) Checks AEs competence through desk review, on-site assessment and witnessing 1) Submits request for accreditation Accreditation Recommends Review of accreditation every 3 years Designates Spot-checks Designated OE1 OE2 … OEn VALIDATES CDM proj. activities VERIFIES & CERTIFIES CERs Publicly available list

4 Applicant Entity Applies Submit duly completed application form (F-CDM-A). Submit all the documentation specified in D.1. Pay the required application fee. Existing sectoral scopes or proposed new scopes.

5 Consideration by CDM-AP Processing of application by the Secretariat –Check completeness of documents –Preparation of an application file. Consideration of any proposed new sectoral scope(s) Selection of the members of the CDM-AT –AE has 6 working days to object to members of the AT Prepare work plan for the CDM –AT Consideration of reports from the CDM-AT and recommendation to the EB.

6 Assessment by the CDM-AT Desk review of documentation. On-site assessment. Witnessing of performance of tasks within scope.

7 Desk Review Prepare desk review report. AT, through the Sec, informs AE of any inadequacy of the documentation. Identify the tasks requiring witnessing activities.

8 On-site assessment Final work plan submitted to the AE. Opening meeting. Assessment of the operational capability of the AE. A closing meeting.

9 Witnessing of performance of tasks Minimization of costs AE has 6 working days (from receipt of work plan) to identify opportunities for witnessing. A delay of 3 months will be granted on request by the AE. Minimum of 2 members of the CDM-AT shall witness in person the AE performing the functions.

10 Reporting by the CDM-AT Preliminary report to be finalized within 6 weeks after the last witnessing activity. Preliminary report made available to the AE. AE has 30 days to identify corrective actions to resolve non- conformities. All identified corrective actions to be completed within 6 months. Preparation and submission of final report to CDM-AP. –AE has 6 working days to comment on the draft final report.

11 CDM-AP Submission to EB Consider final report by the CDM-AT and submit recommendation to EB. AE has 6 working days to appeal against CDM-AP recommendation. EB considers submission by the CDM-AP and decide whether to accredit the AE and recommend to COP/MOP for designation.

12 Other Aspects of Accreditation Process Unscheduled surveillance (spot-check). Re-accreditation Accreditation for additional sectoral scope(s) Indicative letter.

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