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How to write your special study Step by step guide.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write your special study Step by step guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write your special study Step by step guide

2 The structure of your special study SSABSA issued cover sheet Table of contents ( optional) Introduction – about 300 words Body of discussion 1200 – 1400 words Conclusion 400 words Reference list

3 How to write the introduction Your introduction sets the scene for your study It should include-: A short statement outlining the issue An outline of the scope and methodolgy

4 THE SCOPE Relevant definitions ie if you are talking about “fast food” what do you mean by fast food The hypothesis or question The focus questions

5 The Methodology The primary and secondary sources accessed The methods used to gather your primary and secondary sources How you went about the investigation Acknowledge limitations ie what could you not find out or how may your study be flawed such as not a big enough sample Acknowledge any potential bias

6 Area of study When introducing the issue you need to mention your area of study Here are some examples of lead in sentences The issue of …………is relevant as it relates to the area of study …… The study relates to the …….area of study and and connects to the issue of ….. which will be investigated.

7 Define the scope of the study The scope should clearly indicate the aim and the context of the study. Define any terms and any limitations. An example -: The aim of this investigation is to determine how the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables might influence the consumption of fast food by people in indigenous communities. Fast food refers to take away food for the purpose of this study.

8 The Focus Questions Now you need to write down the focus questions for your study You could begin with something like-: The focus questions which will guide this study are -:

9 Methodology This is where you set out how you plan to research both your primary and secondary resources. (You may need to go back to this as you are writing your study and change it depending on how your research goes)

10 An example In this study the plan is to interview the managers of the take away food outlets in the community. A survey will be conducted to find out what people usually eat for their evening meal. Information will be collected from the internet, print articles and journals.

11 How to write the body of the study Use your focus questions as subheadings to organise your discussion Order your focus questions so that they lead to your conclusion In each of your focus questions you need to plan the key points and back them up with evidence. *try to give each of your focus questions equal balance

12 Topic Sentences At the beginning of the paragraph write a lead –in sentence that sets the scene for the discussion then - elaborate and expand Finally- draw it all together *Be careful not to get into descriptive writing that gives no real useful information

13 Nominalising Nominalising is writing in a concise way and minimalising the use of personal pronouns For example, instead of -: I found from my research that people more often bought take away food on Thursdays than prepared a meal at home. Write My research indicated that take away food was consumed more often on Thursdays than meals prepared at home.

14 Important!! Look closely at the facts about your issue ( check that they are indeed facts) Study the relationship of cause and effect and make sure the links in your argument are correct. Develop the argument in a logical manner Show evidence of applying your critical thinking skills Make sound conclusions

15 Using graphs and tables Graphs and tables are not included in the word count – use them wisely Make sure graphs and tables are relevant and refer to them in your study Choose designs that will make your message stand out Make sure the important information stands out

16 The conclusion ( nearly there) The conclusion is a summary, it needs to sum up your findings Refer to the key words or concepts in your study Restate your hypothesis or question

17 Your conclusion summarises your information analyses the key aspects of the study Indicates whether you have supported or not supported the hypothesis ( or answered your research question) It doesn’t matter if you haven’t

18 Some Tips Avoid saying you have “proved” your hypothesis, say you have supported it instead Remember to summarise your main findings, don’t just repeat everything Mention the limitations of your study You may express an opinion at this point. *Never introduce new information in your conclusion

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