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“Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Request for Study Period on “MFI for ROR” Hajime Horiuchi.

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Presentation on theme: "“Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Request for Study Period on “MFI for ROR” Hajime Horiuchi."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Request for Study Period on “MFI for ROR” Hajime Horiuchi Tokyo International University May 28, 2008 1 SC32WG2N1130

2 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Topics Type of Registry (Difference of Architectures ) What is ROR Background of ROR project Overall structure of ROR Issues 2

3 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Semantic Registry DD/DS Metadata Registry Evolution of Registry Technology 3 Sharing of knowledge Sharing of development Methodology Sharing of Data Sharing of Software Discover & Casting Web Service ROR Cross Domain Interoperation

4 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. A Taxonomy of Architecture Types 4 Domain Specialty Diversity of Stakeholder SOS ProcessContents SOA/SaaS limited Alliance High (Narrow) ROR Cross Industries Metadata Dependent (Non Structural) Model Dependent (Structural) Low (Generic) High Target of the Standardizations System of Systems Registry Of Registries Cross Homes 10 2 10 8

5 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. DIFFERENCE OF REGISTRY TYPE 5

6 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registry to Support Engineering 6 Domain Specialty Diversity of Stakeholder SOS SOA/SaaS limited Alliance High (Narrow) ROR Cross Industries Metadata Dependent (Non Structural) Model Dependent (Structural) Low (Generic) High System of Systems Registry Of Registries Cross Homes 10 2 10 8 Registry to support Engineering

7 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registry to Support Engineering 7 Process Models Products Models Registry Product Specifications Integration Part Library Domain Ontology

8 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registry to support Cross Industries 8 Domain Specialty Diversity of Stakeholder SOS SOA/SaaS limited Alliance High (Narrow) ROR Cross Industries Metadata Dependent (Non Structural) Model Dependent (Structural) Low (Generic) High System of Systems Registry Of Registries Cross Homes 10 2 10 8 Registry for Interoperation

9 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registry to support Cross Industries 9 Product Information Registry Business Information Party Information Business Process Model Supply Chain Domain Ontology

10 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registry for Discovery 10 Domain Specialty Diversity of Stakeholder SOS SOA/SaaS limited Alliance High (Narrow) ROR Cross Industries Metadata Dependent (Non Structural) Model Dependent (Structural) Low (Generic) High System of Systems Cross Homes 10 2 10 8 Registry for Discovering

11 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. SOA/Could Computing 11 Cloud Saas

12 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Registries to support SOA 12 Saas Object-URI Ontology Access Protocol Object-URI Ontology Access Protocol Object-URI Ontology Access Protocol

13 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. In the Future ? 13 Web service Saas Registry as Service

14 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. TO SUPPORT CROSS INDUSTRIES ROR: Registry of Registries 14

15 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. What is ROR ROR (Registry of Registries) is trial uses of the MFI on the cross industries business processes – MFI: ISO/IEC 19763 (Metamodel Framework for Interoperability) Goal: – Reification of the interoperability among heterogeneous domain registries A formal committee under IPSCJ(JTC1 Japan) – SC32WG2 + TC184/SC4 + ECOM + LCDM members – Just started at officially on this April 15

16 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Original goals of ISO/IEC19763 standards 16 Heterogeneous Registries Registry Interoperation Registry ROR ManufacturingLogisticRetails Registry ROR: Registry of Registry

17 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. WHY WE NEED ROR ? 17

18 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. What is the Registry, again Registry has several meanings, all of which generally relate to its original or historical meaning as a written, official or formal record of information, or the place where such records are kept. Office where registrations are recorded; database for storing system configuration information. (Wikipedia) 18

19 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Current status of the registry Today, a lot of actual registries are enforced and working in various business domains. They were developed mostly according to requirements in their specific domains. Each registry has own structure, fashion and procedure. Most of them did not pay attentions to other registries. Even if, they could follow particular standards, most of those standards themselves might be domain specific. 19

20 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Different Views by industries on a same product 20 PLIB Item Master DB Product-Number Item-Number Home electronic Products Attributes for Manufacturing Attributes for Retailing Home Electronic Category Electronic Parts Category No interoperability Metadata ISO13584 standards GS1, EPCG

21 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Closed Processes and Registries 21 Design Assembling Inspection Delivery Merchandising Buying Selling Invoice PLIBItem Master ManufacturingRetailing

22 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Emerging needs for the Model Sharing 22 Product Manufacturing Product Life Cycle Management Hazardous Materials Management Actual reification of Cross Industries Interoperation is needed Product Traceability Retail ing Logistic & Distribution Industrial Waste Processing Consumer Artery & Vein

23 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Every domain has own Registry 23 Product Manufacturing Product Life Cycle Management Hazardous Materials Management Product Traceability Retail ing Logistic & Distribution Industrial Waste Processing Consumer Artery & Vein Registry

24 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Some of actual registries in Japan – JEITA ( ECALGA, PLIB ) – JEMA ( Heavy electric parts ) – JEMIMA(Electric Measurement Instruments ) – CEDI ( Petro Chemical ) – JAPIA/JAMA ( Automobile ) – JASTPRO ( Shippers codes ) – JEDIC ( EDI standards ) – JICFS/DRS ( Company code, Item code in retailing ) – JACIC LCDM ( Construction Engineering ) – etc. 24

25 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. ISO - EDIFACT - ebXML - PLIB UN/CEFACT De Jure IETF - AS2 W3C - XML OASIS - ebMS -WS - R&R ANSI X12 CEN RosettaNet CIDX SWIFTHL7 WCO GS1 EPC グローバル Industrial St. EDI Related Standards JIS EDIFACT/CII JADM eBusiness Asia 25

26 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Product Tracing by RFID tag 26

27 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Web Service Providers 27 ROR A Draft of Framework for Information Infrastructure (ECOM, 2007) Portal Service Cargo TrackingPLIBMSDS Retail Item DB Tax DB Ordering Service MSDS Reg. Service Part Retrieval Service Item Reg. Service Accounting Service Business Oriented Process Integration Material Oriented Process Integration UDDI

28 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. What is MFI Metamodel Framework for Interoperability ISO/IEC19763 series of standards A set of Metamodels for; Registering Models (Not for describing model or ontology) MFI is an Application of MOF (1.4) 28

29 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. ROR by MFI 29 Registry Core model Mapping Registration Procedure Metamodel for model mapping MFI ( ISO/IEC19763 ) series of standards ROR (Cross Domain Registry) Metamodel for ontology registration Industrial registries Metamodel for process registration

30 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Basic Ontology Cross Domain ROR 30 Model Mapping Service Industrial domain Domain Model 基本情報要素 Data Elements Registry ROR Domain Ontology Ontology Search Service Terminology Registration Quality RA Registration Procedure UUID OID UID Registry Domain Ontology Terminology RA UID Registration Authority Value Domain Industrial domain MFI Registry Domain ADomain B

31 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. ISSUES FOR ROR & MFI Standards 31

32 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Issues How to Discover and Cast registries How to Make Mappin How to provide a Universal ID How to specify Data Quality Registration Procedure All of above are under discussion. 32

33 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Use Case 33 PLIBItem Master DB Product-Number Item-Number Home electronic Products Home Electronic Category Electronic Parts Category ISO13584 standards GS1, EPCG Mapping

34 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Issues 34 RA/RO Registration Procedure Global Unique ID Data Quality Specification Mapping Change Control Ontology Casting PLIBItem Master DB Product-Number Item-Number Home electronic Products Home Electronic Category Electronic Parts Category ISO13584 standards GS1, EPCG Mapping

35 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. How to Cast a registry call 35 ROR PLIB Metamodel ITEM Master Metamodel PLIB Model ITEM Master Instance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Search JAITA JAMIMA PLIB Model Inquire M1 M2

36 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Level 1 Mapping Variation Exactly Same Similar to Looks like 36

37 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. How to Map MFI-2 (Core Model) is used for registration of metamodel MFI-4 (Model Mapping) to be used for describe model mapping The ebXML Core Component to be used for type matching 37

38 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Use case 2 Stock take Metamodel of target registries If they do not have any metamodel, metamodel should be developed using CWM metamodels Assign Core component of the ebXML to each element of the Schema 38

39 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Metamodel Mapping 39 MFI: Metamodel for Mapping Item Master Metamodel PLIB Metamodel Mapping Rule Instance ebXML CC Metamodel Mapping Process CWM

40 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. MFI 4: Model Mapping 40

41 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Type Matching through CC 41 ebXML Core Component PLIB Element Item Master Element TS- TV-42- name (ACC-nn) TV-42-Toshiba name (ACC-nn) (ACC: nn) 1 * 1 *GS1 ID Mapping

42 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. ebXML Core Component Standardized Information elements for Business Information to be used in the electronic business 42 Business InformationCore Component BCC ACC ASCC CCT ABIE BIE TextLocation Person Resident Patient.Person Health.record *..1 0..* Core Component Type Basic Core Component Aggregated Core Component Business Information Entity Aggregated Business Information Entity

43 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Metamodel of CC 43 CCTS : Core Component Tech. Spec. V-3.0

44 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. CWM: Relational Data model 44

45 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. CWM: Metamodel for Record Traditional COBOL file, CSV file 45

46 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. icon (ABS) class class_BSU identified_by property_BSU data_type_BSU dates (ABS) graphics its_superclass item_names (ABS) document time_stamps revision defined_types S[0:?] described_by L[0:?] defined_by synonymous_name S[0:?] short_name preferred_name names remark source_doc_of_definition note definition supplier_BSU (DER) known_applicable_properties SET[0:?] (DER) subclasses SET[0:?] (DER) known_applicable_data_types SET[0:?] String PLIB Class (Not UML) 46

47 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. (ABS) data_type icon property_BSU (ABS) property_DET mathematical_string item_names (ABS) document (ABS) graphics dates (ABS) graphics (ABS) class definition note remark source_doc_of_definition figure det_classification String identified_by domain formula preferred_symbol synonymous_symbol S[0:2] revision time_stamps synonymous_names S[0:?] preferred_name short_name described_by L[0:?] names PLIB Property (Not UML) 47

48 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Mapping 48 PLIB Class Part PLIB property Part_Number RecordFile ITEM_Master RecordField Item_Number

49 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Re: GEN (General kNowledge Navigator) OKABE, Masao Corporate Systems Department Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. (TEPCO) 2008.5.20 49

50 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 50 What is GEN? GEN is General kNowledge Navigator, – which is a kind of ontology editor/repository mainly for knowledge management for human, – which TEPCO already developed but may need some refinements and enhancements. GEN is very generic like Protégé. So, it can be easily enhanced either to – an ontology repository that is managed by RoR or – an experimental implementation of OOR or RoR itself.

51 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 51 Two possible positions of GEN Note : * 1: ISO 18629 Process Specification Language * 2 :ISO 13584 Parts Library * 3: INTAP Owl Ontology repository, whose specifications are under development by INTAP, Japan Semantic Web ontologies Ontologies other than Semantic Web ・・・ Ontologies in RDF/XML identified by URI ・・・・・・ SwoogleSwoogle IOO IOO repository* 4 for OWL-DL ontologies GEN for knowledgemanagement Repository for PSL * 2 OOR based on GEN = MFI Ontology registration registry based on GEN = RoR from the perspective of MFI Ontology registration based on GEN Repositories that conform to PLIB * 3 Repository that conforms to (X)MDR

52 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 52 Architecture of GEN (1 of 2) Gen is a client-server system with – PCs installed GEN-client with Squeak virtual machine as clients and a network Drive installed omniBase DB as a file server.

53 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 53 Architecture of GEN (2 of 2) It is easy to transform it to rich client Web environment with – Web browsers installed GEN and Squeak as plugins and But it is not so easy to transform it to thin-client Web environment without Squeak plugin. DB server with omniBase DB or any other object-oriented DB such as GemStone. Web server with Squeak +

54 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 54 Main functionalities of GEN (1 of 2) Main functionalities of GEN are; 1.Process Ontology (業務プロセスオントロジー) – to describe process flows 2.Know-how Ontology (業務ノウハウオントロジー) – for large-grained ontology for engineering rules for specific jobs 3.Basic Ontology (基礎オントロジー) – for small-grained ontology, usually common to all jobs 4.Notepad (雑記帳) – to take any kinds of notes freely and easily 5.Collaborative evolution on ontologies above and multi-version support 6.Links to anything identified by URI outside GEN 7.Scheduling expert subsystem for a specific job

55 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 55 Main fanctionalities of GEN (2 of 2) Among them, the followings are essential and reusable to an ontology repository which managed by RoR and/or an experimental system of OOR and RoR. 2.Know-how Ontology (業務ノウハウオントロジー) 3.Basic Ontology (基礎オントロジー) 5.Collaborative evolution on ontologies above and multi-version support 6.Links to anything identified by URI outside GEN

56 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 56 Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology (1 of 4) From the point of GEN functionalities, Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology are exactly the same. – Know-how Ontology is for large-grained ontology and Basic Ontology is for small-grained ontology. For details, see my presentation on Open Forum 2008. These functionalities are similar to the one of Protégé 3.X, but are more end-user oriented. End-user can design a schema of ontology (i.e. class structure), concerning only “reference” and/or “attribute”. – Need not care about a directional “slot” and its “inverse slot”. – To define one “reference” automatically creates bidirectional relation and a inverse references, which is also naviable.

57 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 57 Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology (2 of 4) Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology do not support import/export facilities to any specific syntax and format such as OWL in RDF/XML. But, the (meta) structure of them are almost same as RFDS except that  its data types are different from the ones of RDF(S) and  its cardinality constraint is similar to the one of UML, which is not supported either in RDF(S) nor even in OWL 1.0. It is not difficult to enhance GEN so that it can import/export ontolgies in RDF(S)/XML under the restrictions above. But it is better to use OWL2.0 syntax sugar to express  its UML-like cardinality constraints and  automatically defined inverse object properties.

58 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 58 Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology (3 of 4) It might be better to enhance GEN to support facilities;  to define a sub-class in terms of property, which a basic feature of DL, and  to support SPAQRL-like query.

59 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 59 User interface is a kind of mixture of Protégé, IE and Explorer. – 選択されているインスタンスのアドレス Know-how Ontology and Basic Ontology (4 of 4) 59 Class hierarchy tree “Definition”, “Format” and “Instance Browser” tabs コメント、リンク領 域 go back, forth and up Address of the instance selected and their history “Comment” and “Unstructured link” tabs Instance browser Instance expression Comments

60 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. 60 Proposal TEPCO may make GEN a kind of closed share-domain program with several NPOs such as – Wuhan university, – Korean university, – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, – Tokyo International University and/or SC32/WG2. Note: I cannot commit this now. I need to negotiate this with TEPCO. With your help, at least GEN should be internationalized and be made applicable to rich-client Web environment. Then, based on GEN, we all can develop easily  an experimental implementation of OOR or RoR and also  an ontology in GEN that can be managed by OOR or RoR.

61 “Sharing and advancing knowledge and experience about standards, technologies and implementations. Thank you 61

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