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Presentation on theme: "By: Eduardo Guerrero BIKE RENTAL STATIONS IN ST.LOUIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 LOCATIONS OF BIKE RACKS As you can see there is good amount of bike racks within st.louis but as you can see there is a gap between East st.louis and the Central West End. Which means there is room for more bike racks.

3 BIKE RENTAL STATIONS Also you can see that There are no bike rental Stations in Central West End, and none in East St.louis. This means that we have An opportunity to put Rental stations there and it Will increase revenue and The city would make money Off of it as well.

4  There is a huge space called Forest park that no one has taken advantage of. There is just money sitting there waiting to go to a store or a social service.  There is a great profit waiting there and I plan to take it with my Bike Rental services. SPACE

5  People that come into the tents will be offered a choice of how much time you will have the bike for and the price of usage.  Also they will be offered the option of what kind of bike they want to use. HOW IT WILL OPERATE

6  On google maps it estimated only a 15 minute bike ride to downtown St. Louis from the Central West End.  This would be a nightmare of 15 minutes but the great thing about it is that, it will be 15 minutes of riding down Forest Park. TRAVEL TIME

7  Though we do trust the people we will install a tracker in every bike so that we can avoid theft.  Also we make them sign an agreement that states and damage on the bike when returned will be fully paid by the operator. TRACKING

8  There could be Bike rental Tents all along S Shinker Blvd.  Which would give people full access to Forest park and all the way to Downtown St. Louis where a Bike rental store would be located. LOCATIONS OF BIKE STATIONS (TENTS)

9  After a person has finished there time with one of our bikes they will be notified by a vibration on the bike to return the bike to a tent or the Bike Rental Headquarters located in downtown St. Louis.  It is there where we will take back the bike and put it back into storage. BIKE RENTAL HEADQUARTERS

10  It could also help decrease the rate of obesity in the community and make West central End a much more happier place to be.  It would also bring more people into forest park. Being that central west end is basically Forest park.  It would also bring in a good amount of profit. Also it never hurt anyone to try new things.  New York is also trying something very similar to make New York a bike rental rental city HOW ELSE COULD IT HELP?

11  New York has seemed to be very successful and have what they want in good order.  Another City that is thriving in bike rentals is San Francisco Bike Rentals. San Francisco Bike Rentals  They are very successful and bring in a good amount of profit according to there statistics they are doing just fine. EXTENDED

12 1. Bicycling is for everyone Bicycling is the second most popular outdoor activity in the United States. (Outdoor Foundation, 2010) 47% of Americans say they would like more bike facilities in their communities. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008) Most trips Americans make are short: 50% are less than 3 miles, 40% are less than 2 miles, and 28% are less than 1 mile. (US Department of Transportation, 2009) 2. Bicycling boosts the economy The U.S. bicycle industry sold $5.6 billion in bicycles and equipment in 2009. (National Bicycle Dealers Association, 2010) More than three times as many new bicycles (14.9 million) are sold in the U.S. each year than cars (4.6 million). (National Bicycle Dealers Association, 2010; Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2010) Studies have shown that homes closer to bike paths are more valuable. (Various sources) STATISTICS

13 3. Bicycling reduces road congestion and air pollution Traffic congestion wastes nearly 3.9 billion gallons of gas per year in the U.S. (Texas Transportation Institute, 2010) For every 1 mile pedaled rather than driven, nearly 1 pound of CO² (0.88 lbs) is saved. (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2009) 4. Bicycling can help you live longer and better Adults who bike to work have better weight, blood pressure, and insulin levels. (Gordon-Larsen, P., et al., 2009) Women who bike 30 minutes a day have a lower risk of breast cancer. (Luoto, R., et al., 2000) Adolescents who bicycle are 48% less likely to be overweight as adults. (Menschik, D, et al., 2008) STATISTICS CONTINUED

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