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The Evolution of a Data Driven Cultural Impact Report for Greater Boston A SSOCIATION OF P ERFORMING A RTS S ERVICE O RGANIZATIONS 2014 C ONFERENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of a Data Driven Cultural Impact Report for Greater Boston A SSOCIATION OF P ERFORMING A RTS S ERVICE O RGANIZATIONS 2014 C ONFERENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of a Data Driven Cultural Impact Report for Greater Boston A SSOCIATION OF P ERFORMING A RTS S ERVICE O RGANIZATIONS 2014 C ONFERENCE

2 What Changed Our Thinking? Capitalize on new cultural data resources to inform the conversation about the arts’ cross-sector impact on the region Leverage a new energy around collaboration and collective action following the 2013 Boston Mayoral campaign Identify those key data points that the entire community can rally around and use in casemaking

3 Our Goals To educate and inspire key stakeholders and the civic and corporate sectors in the value arts and culture brings to the region To help shape a common narrative for Greater Boston’s arts and cultural organizations To continue to position ArtsBoston as a key thought leader on data- driven market knowledge for the cultural sector

4 Who Are We Targeting? Corporate and Civic Leaders Community Stakeholders & Partners Arts Organizations, Leaders & Boards

5 The Evolution of ArtsBoston Today Tomorrow An advocate that provides Boston’s arts and cultural organizations with the understanding and resources they need to build their audiences and work more efficiently and productively A resource for consumers to gain affordable access to arts performances throughout Greater Boston A connector that brings together directors of arts and cultural organizations with corporate and civic leaders to collaborate for mutual benefit A research-driven organization that collects and disseminates data providing insight into the arts and cultural sector and its broad impact on the region A creative partner to all those who work in, have an impact on, and can benefit from an association with Greater Boston’s arts and cultural institutions

6 Our Approach CDP Research Context Stories The Arts Factor Most compelling data came from research into the Mass Cultural Data Project, which hadn’t really been used for any major sector-wide reporting yet Contextual data connects information to something tangible that the audience can quickly understand Stories bring the data to life

7 A Few Highlights from the Research More arts and cultural organizations per capital than any other major city in the U.S. $1 Billion industry 26,000 jobs Total attendance of 18+ million, including 39% at free events

8 Storytelling “I chose Boston because of the cultural life: symphony, colleges, theater, beautiful architecture, etc. These things attract the kind of intelligent people we’d like to employ.“

9 Context Total Attendance 18 Million OR 4X the total attendance for the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, and Bruins COMBINED

10 Priorities for the Report Visually engaging Not too much text Build a brand that can have a life after this initial report through digital content

11 Rolling Out The Arts Factor: Print Report

12 Rolling Out The Arts Factor: Digital Content

13 Rolling Out The Arts Factor: Launch Event June 10, 2014 Boston’s Calderwood Pavilion (which is itself one of the impact stories highlighted) Corporate and civic leaders, key members of funding community, arts sector partners, arts community

14 Rolling Out The Arts Factor: Engagement Tour Sharing our story Getting the numbers out there Jumpstarting conversations Finding common ground for action

15 Why This Matters The right service, at the right time Ensuring the arts are at the table during discussions about quality of life and impact Framing our case using language non-arts people can understand

16 Thank you! Catherine Peterson

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