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Wrap-up session for Module 2.1 (Additionality) Presenters: UNFCCC secretariat, MP member, PD Forum, and TÜV SÜD 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Wrap-up session for Module 2.1 (Additionality) Presenters: UNFCCC secretariat, MP member, PD Forum, and TÜV SÜD 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wrap-up session for Module 2.1 (Additionality) Presenters: UNFCCC secretariat, MP member, PD Forum, and TÜV SÜD 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012

2 Break-out session [Module 2.1, Additionality] Main issues discussed + UNFCCC Secretariat - presented the key requirements of the FOIK & CP Guildlines, concerns riser by stakeholders, and the working plans of revising the Tools and the Guidelines with improved concepts by EB 70. + Meth Panel member - shared basic concepts and how the new Investment Analysis Guideline, including the WACC Tool and final benchmark indicators were developed, lesson learned and future challenges. + PD Forum - presented the notes taken from the PD Forum and DoE Forum meeting in Feb 2012, regarding the FOIK & CP guidelines and the AT & CT with detailed questions/concerns and suggestions for improvement. + TUV SUD, presented what are the challenges faced by the DoEs while using these new Tools and Guidelines for validations.

3 Break-out session [Module 2.1, Additionality] Action points / Recommendations + Revision to the Tools and the 2 Guidelines is planned to be adopted by EB 70 (prepared information for discussions/review in EB 69) + Suggestions for the improving areas should include: 1)clarification on key terms in the Guidelines, such as 'first', 'measure', 'different technologies', 'accept geographical area', 'PLF & Capacity (net or gross)', etc. 2)clarification on the application timeline of the Tools and the 2 Guidelines for new PDDs. 3)consideration/reconsideration on the availability of data, exclusion of CDM projects for CP analysis, crediting period of 10 years, inclusion of project types, etc. 4)reviewing the consistency of terminologies/definitions used these new Tools and Guidelines with existing methodologies, tools, guidelines, etc., (e.g. some methodologies have it's own CP analysis requirements). 5)adopting the different/specific conditions in all countries into the standard approach of the new Investment Analysis Guideline. 6)assurance of the constancy of the default/input data by having a long term view 7)NAMAs should be developed in parallel with financial info of the countries related to the carbon market. + Calling for inputs / consultation to key stakeholders before revising the Tools and Guidelines. + ensuring the consistency of understanding / interpretations to the new tools and guidelines for Additionality by different stakeholders in the CDM cycle including PP, DOE, DNA, secretariat, reviewer, EB member).

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