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Spread of Black Death Interactive Map: d/templates/student_resources/0534600 069_spielvogel/InteractiveMaps/swfs/m.

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3 Spread of Black Death Interactive Map: d/templates/student_resources/0534600 069_spielvogel/InteractiveMaps/swfs/m ap11_1.html d/templates/student_resources/0534600 069_spielvogel/InteractiveMaps/swfs/m ap11_1.html Black Death Song: “Fleas on Rats” 8f747a2ed3db3c6/ 8f747a2ed3db3c6/ The Plague Video: death/videos#coroners-report-plague Ring Around the Rosie Nursery Rhyme Common British versions include: Ring-a-ring o' roses, A pocket full of posies, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down. Common American versions include: Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down. The last two lines are sometimes varied to: Hush! Hush! Hush! Hush! We've all tumbled down.

4 Population of N. Europe recovering Previous serfs now able demand higher wages Sparks of creativity & new inventions Cities growing Urban merchants become wealthy & sponsor artists

5 Study of human potential & achievement

6 Most people VERY religious, but too many suffering & dying! Started to pull away from Catholic Church Looking to SECULAR (worldly) ideals of the here and now vs. life after death Studied humanism

7 Explosion of creativity in Europe  Renaissance or “rebirth” of art & learning Began in Italy & spread north to Europe because: Thriving cities Wealthy merchants Greek & Roman heritage (classical) Trade started by Crusades


9 Wealthiest/powerful class & dominated politics Wealth based on success of their business Felt they deserved power based on achievements Florence, Italy ruled by MEDICI family (trade/banking merchants) for 30 years Lorenzo the Magnificent: major PATRON (supporter) of the arts

10 Renaissance is bringing back art & literature from Greek & Roman times  known as “classical” In Italy, now painting/sculpting SECULAR arts, NOT RELIGIOUS arts  more realistic people in classical settings

11 3 Dimensional Distant objects are smaller

12 Helps objects to look more realistic; 3-D look VS

13 Study of human anatomy to paint & sculpt better More natural postures & expressions

14 What does it mean to be a Renaissance Man? “Renaissance Man” video&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=renaissance%20video&sc =8-17&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=0730F2DDF171E41FBFD00730F 2DDF171E41FBFD0

15 DONATELLO: sculptor & painter; Revealed personality in his art One of 1 st to do a nude statue First bronze statue, St. Louis of Toulouse

16 LEONARDO DA VINCI: painter, sculptor, inventor, & scientist  a true “Renaissance Man” Mona Lisa The Last Supper

17 MICHELANGELO: sculptor & painter Sistine Chapel Statue of David

18 RAPHAEL studied from Michelangelo & Leonardo; painter Madonna and Child School of Athens

19 ERASMUS: The Praise of Folly – said to improve society, all should study Bible MORE: Utopia – imaginary land inhabited by peaceful people; no use for money; means “no place”, but in English means “ideal place”

20 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Greatest playwright of all time: sonnets, plays, essays Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Othello Macbeth Midsummer Night’s Dream Julius Caesar King Lear


22 Chinese 1 st invent block printing JOHANN GUTENBERG: reinvents moveable type & comes up with printing press Gutenberg Bible: first full size book printed Came in English, French, and German  VERNACULAR (own language) increased Can produce 100’s of copies Encouraged people to learn to read!  RISE IN LITERACY & IDEAS SPREAD FASTER

23 The Renaissance: video&qs=n&form=QBVR&pq=renaissance%20video&sc =8-17&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=541A4FB4E5D9B3D3E49B541A 4FB4E5D9B3D3E49B

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