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HISTORY TIMELINE Rules Write this on the BACK BLANK page of your Timeline. 1.Put your name on your timeline 2.Your timeline MUST be brought to class each.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY TIMELINE Rules Write this on the BACK BLANK page of your Timeline. 1.Put your name on your timeline 2.Your timeline MUST be brought to class each."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORY TIMELINE Rules Write this on the BACK BLANK page of your Timeline. 1.Put your name on your timeline 2.Your timeline MUST be brought to class each day 3.If you lose the timeline you must make it up from the beginning 4.This is your study guide for your final exam 5.You must keep up with the timeline, it will be graded every other week (just like warm-up were) from the beginning.

2 11000 BC Paleo Indians Arrive The first people, Paleo Indians arrive in America. They cross the land bridge Berengia from Siberia to Alaska. 1000 AD Leif Erickson Discovers America Viking sea captain that finds America. He names it Vinland or Newfoundland. Oct. 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus discovers America Financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Columbus sails to find India but he lands at San Salvador

3 1513 Ponce De Leon and Vasco Nunez de Balboa Juan Ponce De Leon discovers Florida & Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean 1565 St. Augustine The Spanish attack the French in Florida and settle St. Augustine 1607 Jamestown settlement Jamestown, the first permanent settlement in America established by London Company in Virginia and Captain John Smith.

4 1619 House of Burgesses The first representative assembly in America meets for the first time in Virginia. First African Americans slaves in U.S. 1620 Plymouth Colony The Plymouth colony is established in Massachusetts the Mayflower brought over colonist 1660 Slave Code and Triangular Trade were various laws called Slave code that put restrictions on slavery. Triangular Trade connected America to Africa for slaves to be brought to America.

5 1676 Bacon’s RebellionTakes place in Virginia 1692 Salem Witch Trials Held in Salem Massachusetts over 200 people were accused of witchcraft. 20 people mostly women were executed. 1754- 1763 French and Indian War Final Conflict between England and France in America. England win. The treaty of Paris ends the war

6 1763 Proclamation of 1763 & Mason Dixon Line Issued to protect Indians and west of the Appalachians from the British settlements 1770 Boston MassacreCrowd of people protest against the acts imposed by England. British troops fire on Boston killing crowds of people. 1773 Boston Tea Party The sons of Liberty dress as Indians and dump tea into the harbor in retaliation of the taxes imposed

7 1774 First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia- intolerable acts Four laws aimed at punishing Massachusetts are passed by British parliament 1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord The start of the American Revolution; 13 colonies fought Great Britain for independence 1776 Declaration of Independence The continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia on the fourth of July.

8 1776 Thomas PaineHe writes the influential pamphlet Common Sense against England’s monarchy and control over the U.S. Winter 1777 Valley ForgeWashington and his army endure brutal winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 1781 Articles of Confederation Created and adopted by Congress

9 1783 Peace treaty ends Revolutionary War Signed by John Adams, John Jay and Benjamin Franklin 1789 ConstitutionWritten and adopted 1789 Washington becomes president He is unanimously elected president by state electors. Washington is inaugurated as president in federal Hall N.Y.C.

10 1791 Bill of RightsThe first ten amendments to the constitution known as Bill of Rights and ratified. 1793 Washington re- elected Washington's second inauguration is held in Philadelphia, Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin 1796 Treaty of Tripoli1796 peace treaty between the U.S. and Tripoli, before this treaty the Mediterranean Sea was controlled by North African Muslim Ships

11 1797 XYZ AffairThe U.S. finds itself in naval war with force 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts 1803 Marbury vs. Madison Landmark supreme court case that greatly expanded the power of the court by allowing it to declare acts of congress unconstitutional

12 Dec 1803 Louisiana Purchase (830,000 miles) U.S pays 15 million for territory which expands from Mississippi river to Rocky Mountains May 1804 Lewis and ClarkSet out from St. Louis on an expedition to explore west and find a route to the pacific ocean June 1812 War of 1812U.S. declares war on Britain over British interference with American shipping and westward expansion

13 1813 British seize Washington D.C. They burn down the Whitehouse and the Capital. 1814 Treaty of GhentSigned to end the war of 1812 1814 Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key writes the song as he watches the British attack Fort Henry.






























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