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Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012 Wrap-up session III and IV Module 4.3 – Governance of JI Mr. Wolfgang Seidel 1 st Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012 Wrap-up session III and IV Module 4.3 – Governance of JI Mr. Wolfgang Seidel 1 st Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012 Wrap-up session III and IV Module 4.3 – Governance of JI Mr. Wolfgang Seidel 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop

2 Break-out session III and IV, Module 4.3, JI Governance Main issues discussed CMP 7 requested the JISC to draft revised set of key attributes and transitional measures dealing with possible changes to JI guidelines. CMP will consider this draft at CMP8 with a view to develop revised JI guidelines for adoption at CMP9 Current JISC roles and JISC recommendations on adjusting the role, membership and composition of the proposed new JI regulatory body External challenges for JI (Demand, Potential Host Countries, Scope, Competition with other mechanisms) Internal challenges for JI (project cycle, governance, moving beyond offsetting) Challenges for DFPs (Baseline choice, Additionality) Alignment of Accreditation Procedures between the mechanisms Synergies and interaction between the mechanisms have to be reflected in the proposed new governance structure for JI

3 Action points / Recommendations Governance structure needs to follow the requirements of a revised JI – need to define characteristics of the mechanism first International guidance and oversight of a new governing body under the autority of the CMP – functions need to be changed compared to current status It is important to clarify as soon as possible how and when post-2012 emission reductions will be accounted for the CP2 and be credited Break-out session III and IV, Module 4.3, JI Governance

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