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TSD Conference 2013 ACCOUNTABILITY What Does It Really Mean? Presented by: Mark Hinson, SPHR Chief Human Resource Officer Adams 12 Five Star Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "TSD Conference 2013 ACCOUNTABILITY What Does It Really Mean? Presented by: Mark Hinson, SPHR Chief Human Resource Officer Adams 12 Five Star Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSD Conference 2013 ACCOUNTABILITY What Does It Really Mean? Presented by: Mark Hinson, SPHR Chief Human Resource Officer Adams 12 Five Star Schools

2 Accountability What does accountability mean for managers, bus drivers and bus attendants? How do we hold ourselves responsible? What strategies ensure that employees will hold each other accountable?

3 Accountability What does accountability mean for managers, bus drivers and bus attendants? (cont’d) The “Bermuda Triangle” – Job Descriptions, Evaluation and Compensation What is a “non-negotiable”? What does it mean and how does staff know?

4 Responsibility in Responding As a supervisor/manager, what responsibility do you have to respond to: Anonymous letters, calls and complaints? Identified complaints and concerns?

5 Responsibility in Responding As a supervisor/manager, what responsibility do you have to respond to: (cont’d) Internal expression of intimidation, harassment and/or discrimination? Clarity of the role between drivers and attendants? Workplace conflicts?

6 Fit For Duty Addressing performance as a result of a decline in physical and/or mental health Maneuvering Family Medical Leave Act and Americans with Disabilities Act Second and/or third medical opinions

7 Fit For Duty (cont’d) Maintaining the employer’s right to seek additional medical advice Don’t act like a physician – communicate observable actions and behaviors that support your concerns

8 Managing Performance Use of Counseling Session Clarity of Expectations Common Understanding of Policies and Procedures Role Definition In Essence Putting the Employee on Notice NOT a part of formal Discipline or Progressive Discipline

9 Managing Performance Progressive Discipline Verbal Warning (confirmed in writing) Written Warning Decision Making Day w/ re-entry meeting Termination Communication must state the level of discipline.

10 Wrap Up Next steps for personal accountability Next steps for holding staff accountable Next steps for staff to hold each other accountable

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