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Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012 Wrap-up session I Module 1.3 - Regional Distribution/Nairobi Framework Mr. Giza Martins, Co-Chair of the DNA.

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1 Maritim Hotel Bonn Germany, 24-25 March 2012 Wrap-up session I Module 1.3 - Regional Distribution/Nairobi Framework Mr. Giza Martins, Co-Chair of the DNA Forum 1 st Sustainable Development Mechanisms Joint Coordination Workshop

2 Break-out session I, Module 1.3, Regional Distribution/Nairobi Framework Main issues discussed Nairobi Framework partners presented their work programme for 2012 UNFCCC secretariat facilitating coordination worldwide to reduce duplication / gain synergies Global capacity building events, supported by regional initiatives Direct support will also be provided, to complement capacity building: grid emission factors, PoAs, help desk for projects in countries with less than 10 registered projects Memorandum of Understanding for CDM Loan Scheme has been signed (UNFCCC-UNOPS) Scheme will be launched in April in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia during Africa Carbon Forum, including cooperation of UNEP Risoe Centre UNEP Risoe Centre has completed a regional grid emission factor for SAPP countries UNDP will continue activities for capacity building and project development on a regional basis To support the process, DNAs should include a transparent approval procedure (including PoAs) DNAs should make use of public calls for input, to ensure their view is taking into account Nairobi Framework partnership includes UNEP Risoe Centre, UNEP, UNDP, World Bank, African Development Bank and UNFCCC secretariat, collaborating with IETA, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, African Climate Policy Center and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.

3 Action points / Recommendations DNAs may want to establish simplified approval procedures for new projects and for standardized baselines, to help improve their participation in CDM Partners should address CDM project distribution at a sub-regional level, addressing the particular realities of sub-groups of countries. For example, Caribbean SIDS within Latin America and Caribbean. Eastern Europe countries require additional tailor-made support as well. Availability of information and support through the internet is a limitation for countries with electricity/internet access. Additional ways of communication should be provided (i.e. through embassies, local UNDP offices) Recently established, small DNAs still require further capacity building, support to develop a strategy (including PoA), and to promote CDM projects Support for modifications to some methodologies, or new ones, may be considered, to reflect the specific characteristics of the underrepresented. Break-out session I, Module 1.3, Regional Distribution/Nairobi Framework

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